A Story of Healing

A few months ago, a client wrote an amazing article for the Huffington Post. It was about her healing experience with me. I was moved to see how such a skeptic could change her point of view and wanted to … Continue reading

Cellular Memory

Hello again, any of you LA people feel that earthquake this morning? My first response was “oh no how big is this one gonna be?” I was amazed to feel how intense the impact was, I guess mother earth is pretty angry……. Changing the subject I was visiting a friend this week, when I came across this tiny bird.


It was caught by my friend’s cat Sweetie. It was shaking and in shock. I picked it up and gave it some energy and it stayed in my hand, tired and exhausted from the attack. It looked up at me with full trust, knowing everything was going to be ok. Animals and children are very receptive to healing energy.

This brings me to my topic this week of cellular memory. Just like the bird, when people first come to me for their session they are scared, lost, in pain and confused. Their mind may not recognize what is wrong, why they are up all night, unable to sleep, anxious, fearful or depressed. When people are uncomfortable, most have a tendency to busy themselves. Their minds get overly active and start to create what I call “Story”.

In order to get to the root of the problem one must be still and go into the eye of the storm. This takes focus, courage and patience, and is why people come to have a session. I help hold that intense, strong, sacred space, where the person can locate the main cause to the upset, the cellular memory. When we locate it the information is unlocked and the energy block is then recognized.

As I mentioned in my previous post the energy may be from traumas created at different time periods in one’s life, birthing imprints, or entities (negative energies).

All the client knows when they first arrive is that they are uncomfortable, but once the awareness is brought into focus the held energy or cellular memory can be transformed and healed.

I think back to the injured bird, after some time with me it gathered some strength and flew off. Humans have the same capability to release themselves from the turmoil, to feel lighter, to heal. The trauma is lifted, released, or sent back to that other lifetime. And person returns to daily life, happier, freer and with more positive energy.

Like that bird flying away. We have a “choice” to heal through grace and fly again.

“Shari is a gift.  When I met her I had been in pain for a year in my lower back. It got so bad that I couldn’t even walk. When I met Shari, I was forever changed! She found the block I was holding wrapped around my lower spine. One session and I never had back pain again.I have continued to see Shari over the past 5 years whenever I feel out of balance.  She has helped my husband, all 3 of my children and my animal friends too.  I have sent everyone I know to her as well, and she has helped each person just as she has helped me. Shari’s work is beyond explaining in a few words.  I guarantee that anyone that goes to see her will not be disappointed and instead changed forever.”
  ~ Alex Du Toit, www.trueearthmama.org