To Forgive

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you” Change is coming, and if you’re not ready, it will carry you wherever it feels because the force and the great awakening is inevitable. For … Continue reading

Journey to the Stars



I went to bed last night and felt an overwhelming sense of peace fill my body. As I lay in my bed, I started to see a pulsing flashing light. It became so strong, I was no longer able to contain it.

This had happened to me several times before. The first time, I was so scared that I called my teacher, Papa Joe, to ask him what it was.

“It’s the planets and the stars talking to you,” he said.

Needless to say, it totally freaked me out.

I connected the dots back to 20 years ago, when I started my journey with my teacher, Hohepa Delamere (Papa Joe), a Maori elder and healer from New Zealand. He wasn’t trying to show me how to heal, though, because he said I had been “healing for many lifetimes”. After years of apprenticeship with him, it was revealed to me that I was remembering.

Papa’s sole intention was to teach me how to travel through the universes. At first, I was resistant, but as I was slowly led into a more peaceful state of mind, I was able to let go. I witnessed the whole world around me, while I traveled out into different realms and universes.

It wasn’t an overnight process, and went on for several years. During that time I had little contact with others, because I could no longer relate to anyone. I was beginning to “wake up”.

As time passed, I began to see more clearly. I’m not talking about sight from my eyes, but I’m referring to the inner eye.

I continued to work as a healer so I could earn an income, while I advanced more into my own inner journeying. During this time, I had vivid dreams which I would speak to Papa about. So many questions were being answered that I had for so long. That’s about the time I witnessed that we humans are multidimensional beings.

As the wisdom of the elders was downloaded, it deepened my ability to heal. When asked to describe what I do, it’s difficult to explain – but let’s just say most of the work I do is from other realms.

For a long time now, I have been silent for fear of sounding arrogant or ridiculous. But lately, while I’m sleeping – and awake – the elders have been showing me it’s time to start speaking up. While I might be afraid of what others will think, it really doesn’t matter anymore. I am here to assist those who are waking up.

For years now, my work with people has been to help them release heavy and dark energies, so they can remember their true calling or their soul’s path. Let this blog serve as a reminder to all those who have been doing the work – to continue to connect to your inner self, so you will know how to move forward from here.

We have chosen to be here at this time, so we need to cut the cords that have been draining and dulling our senses. Look up at the stars, with your feet firmly planted on Mother Earth, and remember we are much more than we could ever imagine. As Papa once said to me, “There is a huge universe out there Shari, and it’s time you travel in it.

I think that most of us would agree, discovering our true identity is extremely critical at this time. Dont you think?

“I met Shari on a beach nearly 6 years ago and have been working with her ever since. Shari has guided me though some of the biggest shifts in my life. While many of these shifts have taken place on a spiritual level, I am always blown away by her ability to have a direct impact on the health of my physical body. Last year, when I was suffering from a chronic chest infection where conventional medicine alone did not seem to be helping; after chest x-rays, CT scans and three courses of antibiotics; it was only after a session with Shari that I finally managed to clear it from my body. No matter what happens in life, and especially during these unsettling times, I feel reassured to know that Shari always has my back.”       


Finding Your Inner Zen


                                                                                                                 photo ~ Leigha Hodnetsep bl and wh                  Eat  ~ Pray  ~ Swim                                  

Earlier this week when I got out of bed and checked my phone, there were nearly 25 messages glaring back at me. Before my morning coffee I began to scroll and read the frantic texts. So much drama of a big fire that had broken out earlier that morning. 

Wow, here we go again, I thought.

Moments later, as I sipped my coffee I stared at my computer trying to get a read on what was going on. There were so many dramatic images of the fires with the LA Times talking about 80 mile per hour hurricane winds for the next few days. All this first thing in the morning started to unnerve me. Looking up, I heard the trees rustling in such a way that I realized that one tiny ember from the fire could be quite problematic.  I live in the Santa Monica mountains and there were two fires not too far from me. 

“Damn, this is getting intense,” I said to myself. 

What a coincidence, earlier in the week, I had booked a room in desert hot springs, so  I proceeded to pack for my two day adventure. I thought, maybe it’s best to be safe and grab some stuff just in case I can’t get back in. After all, the year before when we were evacuated  we couldn’t get back into the canyon for a week.

It was stressful as I rushed around with the sheriff’s department calling on the phone to tell us to start evacuating. One group text was discussing where the fires were and which roads were open and which ones were closed. When someone said, ‘zero containment of the Getty Fire’ my nerves were completely on edge. 

Just about then my mind flickered back to a conversation I had with a friend over a year ago, that lost her home due to a fire.  I remembered asking if she grabbed all her personal documents when she was being evacuated. “No,” she said. “But why not?” I asked. “I didn’t think my house was going to burn down,” she said, in a solemn tone.

Moments later I was packing my car with valuables documents, clothes but the most important possession of them all, was my precious dog, Violet.  It’s interesting when faced with evacuation how much stuff you have that is not relevant at all.

As I drove down the canyon my stomach was in knots and I realized I was hungry, so I stopped in the local café to order some toast and juice. The mountain community where I live always rallies together in times of stress, so I talked to the locals about which road was best to take out to avoid the extreme traffic. 

Once back on the road, I drove, until finally I made it out of the canyon. I tried to relax by using my breath to move through my anxiety, but I found it almost impossible to calm my mind. The what-if this, or what if that happens consumed my thoughts all morning long. I realized it was hard to find that inner Zen when you’re swimming in a pool of stress. With so much fear in the air grounding  yourself seems light years away. And as an empath, I found it impossible to find my own center. 

While I’m driving on the freeway the only thing I had was this breathing technique, so I used all of my concentration to pull my mind back in.  With complete focus, I pulled my thoughts, feelings and emotions back to the moment. As I did this, I felt my muscles begin to relax as my mind came back to my body.  All of the sudden, a peace washed over me as this presence filled my entire being.

Then I had a realization, geez, this would actually be perfect content to write about in my blog. I mean, after all, isn’t it in these challenging times when people need support to navigate their uncertainty. 

Thankfully, I arrived at the hot springs unscathed, and immediately submerged myself in the warm waters of the pool.  As I let my body sink into this surrender, I was filled with a profound gratitude. The only real peace it seems comes when you are able to tap into the Inner Zen that lies within.


“Each session with Shari has shifted my life. Some more than others but always in some way I come out feeling weightless, recharged, and in love with the world. Suddenly I can see with total clarity the gifts and possibilities of my own life. No two sessions have ever been the same because Shari meets you where you are, and works to free you from your burdens and blocks. Best of all, if you study with her for as long as I have, she gives you the skills and insight to do this work on your own. Her healing is always with me, and I carry it as a ray of clean white light I can visit anytime deep in my spirit. She will change your life, if you’re ready to work alongside her.”         ~  Margaret  Wappler 

Spiritual Warrior

 “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~ Ferdinand Foch

shari kill bill

photo by: Joanne Kim

I had a dream last night. I was looking out of a big glass window in a high rise building. As I looked down at the city I saw a horrific crash—what appeared to be one of the worst car crashes I have ever seen. I saw a woman fly out from the crash flipping backwards through the sky. I realized she had died and her spirit was leaving her body. I then saw several clusters of gold light surrounding the area of the accident. I started crying hysterically, an uncontrollable sob. I somehow saw myself crying and observed my reaction. At that moment a voice said “pray.” I stopped crying and realized my hysterical reaction was an automatic response. I turned around and saw a body sleeping and started yelling to wake them up. The person would not wake up and at that moment I realized I was dreaming.

The dream had me so shaken up and throughout the day I wondered what the dream was trying to tell me. It dawned on me that it was revealing how this automatic response of drama was deeply programmed into me. It became clear I was controlled by my reaction and was being asked to find the strength to rise above. I saw how it is not easy to make that change, like swimming upstream or running in sand. But I realized I could if I made the choice. I thought, “This is a spiritual warrior.” I decided then I would write a blog with the title Spiritual Warrior. I felt there must be other people out their having the same struggle in their own lives.

I thought about how many times I have overcome great adversity that has shaped me into the woman I am today. It has not been an easy path. Being a light-worker is no easy task. I remember all the years working with my teacher, Papa Joe. I began to understand the daily tests one has to endure to become a genuine healer. The idea that most people have of Spiritual Warrior is that of a cartoon figure getting rid of “the bad guy.” But being a spiritual warrior is a choice one must make over and over again. One must choose to keep and hold onto higher vibrations. In other words, becoming a spiritual warrior is a way of life and is not something that happens overnight.

From my viewpoint there is so much chaotic energy in the world today. I feel this is part of the agenda to keep people disconnected from their center. Some say the veil is being lifted. I happen to agree with this.

Are you feeling disconnected from your center? Are you frustrated with what is happening in your life and the planet? Is the fire and the fury awakening in you?

In what ways are you being challenged to develop as a spiritual warrior today?

Shari’s work is perceptive and wise. Her ability to shift my energy toward a place of more clarity is remarkable and consistent.”  ~Eugene Ahn

A Story of Healing

A few months ago, a client wrote an amazing article for the Huffington Post. It was about her healing experience with me. I was moved to see how such a skeptic could change her point of view and wanted to … Continue reading


Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 3.26.21 PMwatch video here:

“Magic, Miracle, Blessing, Grace”

It has been a year since I wrote my last blog. Recently a client asked if he could create  a video for me in exchange for a session. He asked what I would like to talk about. I did not have a clue what I wanted to say. During the filming he and his girlfriend asked several questions about what I do and my responses surprised me. I had received so much wisdom from my teacher, and I wanted to share this knowledge with my next blog post.

I couldn’t help but think of a time years back when I was a mere pup and was on my extreme spiritual quest. I was lucky to cross paths and work with many powerful teachers, shamans, kahunas and profound healers. However, I was naive and did not understand the spiritual world. I certainly did not know who I was, and hence constantly being attacked by entities and feeling extremely out of sorts. I would think, “Why is this happening to me?” I asked these shamans and healers, but none would give me a straight answer. I became very isolated to the point of feeling suicidal. I had this strange deathly feeling coming from inside of me. Now I need to let you know that I was sick for weeks to the point of feeling I was actually going to die. One day I woke up and realized I had to clear this immediately. I sat like a thunder bolt and stated my intention/prayer to whatever guide or angel would listen. I shouted out, “Please help clear this energy from me now!” I sat with such a force and began to breathe as if were my last breath. Then it was if a hand reached into me and pulled the dark gremlin out of me. As it was leaving my body, it felt miles long. My mind somehow knew that this was energy clearing out from me. What I could not quite grasp was it felt very familiar. When I mentioned it to my teacher, Papa Joe, he pointed out that I was beginning to remember. This was what I had done for lifetimes, which began my new journey as a healer.

Since then several people have asked me, “Can you teach me the healing work that you do?” The answer is I can help awaken what is already inside you.

It has come to my awareness that many like myself are searching for answers. They are looking for purpose and meaning in their lives. Nothing can bring you to yourself but your own quest for spiritual truth and a deep desire to break free.

Slaying your dragons

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~ Jim Morrison

shamen chick

As the summer starts to fade, and we begin to move into the fall it is the perfect time to become reacquainted with ourselves. Days become shorter and we start to go inside and prepare our fireplaces with wood as reflection starts to happen quite naturally. I personally love the fall. However it does make me feel sad and melancholy sometimes but in a good way. WIth the change of weather, I was inspired to write a new blog.

I went to the store a couple of days ago to get prepared for a dinner party at my home. I could not help but to notice a woman who was extremely rude. She nearly knocked me over to get a parking space. I later saw her face to face in the market. Her eyes were in a fury and very far away. The body language was cold, angry, and saying “me first”! Not someone present at all. I looked her deep in the eyes, and immediately got goose bumps. There was something else looking at me, and I knew it was not her.

It got me thinking about, how many times have we either experienced someone like this on our path or even been there ourselves? Ever stop to wonder what is the force behind this strange kind of behavior?

When I apprenticed with my teacher over a period of seven years, I began to notice these “things” not only in others but with me as well. What I saw blew my mind. When you actually focus on these fears, angers, strange behaviors/thoughts, and obsessions is that they are alive. It’s like they have a mind or will of their own, and they do. What are they? It was brought to my attention that these “things” were entities. People over the years have asked me “where do these entities come from”? I literally could spend hours explaining, but for now will just touch briefly on the subject.

It is important to start taking inventory so we can be responsible for ourselves. Take a good look at the fears that control and block us from becoming who we could be. A lot of our imbalances, sicknesses, depression, anxieties, addictions, and making bad choices, stem from these energies. Sounds like sci-fi, right? But if you really think about it, why is it so hard to change these things in ourselves? Or why would someone be so rude to practically run you over in their car? Why would anyone choose to be unconscious?

I have mentioned before in previous blogs, how important it is to do the work, to raise our vibration. Ridding ourselves of the dragons that keep pulling us down, dragging us off our paths, and making us into sheep or zombies.

Thankfully, you can get help with a great deal of this. Healers (Shamans, Kahunas, Tuhungas) people with “Real Medicine” to assist in transforming the negative energies. It takes time, but this is a start to beginning an existence of freedom. It is possible. With the awareness as well as surrendering your ego we all can Slay our Dragons.

Shari moves energy. She is invaluable for those who are ready to embark on journeys of personal growth, take responsibility for what is (or is not) happening to them. Or for those who simply need clear energy in order to move forward. Be ready for things to shift!”  L. Anomaiprasert

For details on my next workshop please go to group sessions page

Photo by Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Energy Clearing

Sage is used in cleansing and clearing of energy. Used by the Native Americans and Shamans and becoming more popular by the general public. The smoke is meant to call up to the spirits in prayer and purify the energy of intention.


Which brings me to my topic this week “Energy Clearing”.

This is the majority of my work. When a client comes to see me I clear their energy. They are completely transformed and feel better than when they first arrived at my front door. After the session they generally ask “How do I clear my energy and keep myself protected in the future?”

There are many ways to clear your energy. Having yourself cleared by a energy worker is most effective. But learning tools and adding them to your day to day life is vital for keeping yourself vibrant and healthy!

As I mentioned in my previous post, “Raising your Vibration” is a start to keeping your energy clear because it keeps you vital and strong. Diet, exercise, plenty of sleep, and a good positive attitude, are all important to your well-being.

Many years back when I was apprenticing with my teacher, I was shown how to clear my energy, as well as that of other people and environments. The first thing he mentioned about keeping yourself clear and protected was grounding. I can still hear his voice with that authoritative tone, GROUNDING. And I might add he is right. If your head is in the clouds and not here and now with two feet on the ground, you are more receptive to allowing energies onto you. When we are grounded, we are connected, we have more life force which aides in a stronger frequency. Also we are less susceptible to “dramas” which are riddled with negatives!!

Now you hear what I’m talking about? We have choice in what we allow to come to us! If we are coherent and present less “stuff” is apt to get past our radar. This is the game, staying as conscious as possible. Which means a daily practice of a spiritual connection. Meditating, journaling, walking in nature, exercise or anything that clears the mind and calms the nervous system and begins to bring us into the present moment, is important for a balanced way of life.

The expression “go jump in the ocean” is one of the most sound pieces of advice anyone could give you. In all the Maori ceremonies they use the ocean in cleansing those negative forces that attach themselves to you. Whenever I would get any negatives stuck to me the first thing my teacher would say would be “Go to the Ocean”. I cannot explain to you in words why this works but trust me, it does.

Awareness is key. First we need the awareness that we are “off” or “not ourselves”. Prayer and intention are, for me, my most common tools. When used with absolute certainty and a genuine heart we can clear most energies. I won’t go into this too much but I do ask for “helpers” to guide and protect me with clearing. It really works and I still to this day am in awe of it!

Aligning yourself to positive people and situations is very important. Asking ourselves: “Why am I here?” “What is my intention in bringing myself to this situation?”  The relationship department is the hardest one of them all and can be tricky. We have to be fully in our integrity with this. And there are plenty of blind and stubborn areas that don’t always want to move because we become attached or don’t want to take responsibility. But this is why we are here, we need to work through these dark areas. To make the choice towards the most positive result for ourselves.

Cocooning is one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself. This ancient technique was demonstrated to me by my teacher. It is a shield that you create around your auric field, to keep away unwanted energies. Since this requires some explanation, it is something I will be focusing on in my next workshop.

And now I want to talk about Neutrality – this is a state of mind, an equilibrium. Not a positive nor a negative, but a completely neutral space. Imagine the serene monk, with a clear, calm expression on his face. Not in the state of love nor the place of resistance. This is where you are untouchable. This, of course, takes years of practice.

I know there are several other things people use for protection. Stones, oils, crosses, sages, crystals, chanting, mantras and various other things. These are wonderful tools for setting your intention, but nothing is more powerful then”Knowing who we are” and standing fully in that. As it once was passed down to me the great wisdom of “I AM”!

Photo by: Richard Lee Smith Jr.

For details on my next workshop, please go to the group sessions page.

“If I could get all my friends to Shari I would in a heartbeat. As a past healer-hopper I had tried them all but all I can say is Shari is the real deal. I have had such phenomenal experiences with her, you’d hardly believe it if I told you. It’s best to go see for yourself anyway. Believe me, you’d be doing yourself a favor. She channels some serious juice that can transmute deep fears and trauma that, who knows, you may have carried for lifetimes. At least I feel she did that with me. Very grateful that she is in my life.Thank you Shari! xoxo”

– Wendy Adamson 


My teacher Papa Joe

I wanted to share with you about a man who transformed my life. His name was Hohepa Delamere, or better known as Papa Joe.
papa joe


I had moved to Los Angeles from London where I had been working as a model for seven years. I came here thinking I would become an actress, but something very different happened.

I was searching and looking to find a reason why I had this continuous fear that haunted me and I could not control it. I was doing an enormous amount of work on myself therapy, spiritual teachers/healers, new age books, seminars and retreats. Nothing was shifting this fear and pain from me.

Then I met  a woman named Angel. She always was trying to sell you something or sponsor some healer. However one time she rang me to tell me about these Maori Healers that were coming into town. She could not even finish her sentence I replied “Yes I’m in”, I never felt more certain about anything in years !!

I booked my appointment and went to the home where these healers were working. I then was put on a table where Papa Joe was sitting intently waiting. I lay down and began to tremble then cry from the deepest place in my soul. I knew something was moving in me that was so much bigger then me I began to scream and violently move around. I could hear Papa chanting louder and louder then as if I was giving birth released this energy from my body and I let out a primal scream that felt as if it had been in me for lifetimes. I looked up at all the people surrounding the table they all had this light in all of their eyes supporting this healing and that light was filling me and my much needed wounded self. I kept saying  over and over thank you, thank you. Something had happened, I knew at that moment I just had an exorcism. I knew I had waited years for this man to release this from me.

Afterwards Papa Joe sat me down and talked to me. He said this: “You had a very hard childhood and that I released a very powerful destructive entity from you”. Then he said “You are not being honest about your life.”And then I thought “What does he mean by that? Does he mean my career as an actress?” He looked me at me straight in the eyes and said “Yes and its now about your soul’s journey.” At that moment I realized he had read my mind because I NEVER SAID IT OUT LOUD!

He then said “You will now start a whole new life and  I will see you tomorrow”… I was elated I could not wait to come back and make tea and help around the healers. What I did not know is that I would then become “one of those healers”.

working w joe

When I came back the next day he called me over to a table where he was working on this guy. He said put your hand on his nose. I said “No, I’m not a healer” and to be honest I was freaked out about doing it. However he never listened to me and just looked at me knowingly. I put my hands on his nose. He said “What do you feel?” I looked at him like Huh?? He told me to stop thinking and just tell him what I felt !! Then out of my mouth it came, “a tumor”, “Yes he said, now get rid of it”. Again huh? What? “You heard me,” he said. “I will help you do it.” His fingers on one side of this man’s nose, mine on the other side. In that very moment a electrical current went to my fingers and he said “Now we will circulate the energy”. The man began to scream and cry and yell bloody murder. By the time he left the tumor was gone. He came back a few weeks later and confirmed medically the tumor in his nose was gone.

I then began a seven year apprenticeship with this man..

papa teaching matrix

If it sounds like I was skipping the road of happy destiny you’re wrong. This man’s energy was so powerful and his teachings so advanced.  I struggled, kicked, screamed, resisted, and resented this every step of the way. I was very frightened of the energy world but it was my path. Finally however I did surrender. I left my career as a actress/model and began working on people as a healer. THEY just kept showing up. I began to get very positive results with my sessions. However I had a lot to learn, because this was a real powerful Tahunga Master! Tahungas are even higher on the spiritual totem pole than shamans.

I saw him everytime he came to Topanga and the table I work on today with my clients is the table Papa used every time he was in town .

He then brought me to New Zealand where I stayed with him and his family and began to learn the true ways of the ancient healing rituals. A great deal of these rituals were entity removal. He told me this would become a huge part of my work. Entities are negative energies that attach themselves to people or things.They cause the majority of illnesses, addictions, mental or emotional imbalances. I of course witnessed throughout the years several of these entity removals.

Papa has now left the planet. If you go to the internet there are very few things you can read about him. I could not believe this. There was never a moment with this man that he wasn’t doing some miraculous healing or teaching. Somebody interviewing him about his abilities. But I do know that he changed my life. He took this scared helpless wounded girl and held the flame till I was capable of standing on my own two feet and remembered my “soul’s journey” as he would put it. I still feel this man is alive today but in another dimension. Thank you Papa Joe! May the legacy live on….

I will be doing my first workshop in April for details look on my group sessions page.

“Shari Geitzenauer and I both had the extremely good fortune to have known Hohepa dela Mere alias Papa Joe personally. Shari had been his student ever since the Maori set foot on California ground. Whenever they came from New Zealand for one of their journeys of healing and raising general consciousness, Shari was at Papa Joe’s side and has learnt everything she needed to know by personal transmission. Before the extraordinary healer, teacher and human being went to the other side of veil back in 2006, he released Shari onto her very own path. She has been on a unique journey of healing ever since, not only performing her skills on people, but also relieving the environment from negative entities. From personal experience I know her sessions to be profound and deeply transforming. By eliminating blockages, reprogramming cellular coding, clearing the energetic field from anything undesired and putting her client into touch with personal guides, one comes out on the other side of one her hour long sessions entirely transmuted. I can highly recommend her work for anyone who desires to be relieved of old patterns, dis-ease, unwanted gravity of negativity and or a raising of one’s energetic field. “

Iraeus (Iris Loesel)