To Forgive

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you” Change is coming, and if you’re not ready, it will carry you wherever it feels because the force and the great awakening is inevitable. For … Continue reading

Strange Days Indeed

“All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now with yourself.”~ Eckart Tolle

A good friend of mine contacted me asking, “Is the energy on the planet really weird right now?”I paused for a moment before answering her. “The energy is weird all the time these days,” I replied.

It seems I’m being asked questions like this more and more these days. It’s pretty obvious to me that we are living through some incredibly strange times.There is definitely something going on.

Thinking back when I was a teenager I became intrigued with the prophecies written in the Book of Revelations. As I read the unfolding events, beginning with war, famine, earthquakes, floods, disease and all kinds of erratic behavior I felt a fire and an urgency coming from somewhere deep inside of me. The prophecies somehow resonated and it felt like my soul was remembering something but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Although I didn’t know how at the time, I knew that the days predicted in Revelations would somehow be my future. And as I look around at what’s going on in the world today I believe I was more on point than I could have ever imagined.

As we move towards an uncertain future I feel it’s imperative that we find a way to come back to our center. I don’t mean next month or when you go on a vacation or sometime in the future, I mean right now.

I can still hear the words of my teacher, Papa Joe, when he told me, “It is time for these destructive energies that have been creating havoc and controlling us for ages to leave the planet but they don’t want to go and will use every trick in the book to stay in control.”

Hearing this years ago hasn’t made my life any easier but what I was taught was that when I get quiet and find that place of neutrality in me, I can feel a sense of ease and comfort. I realize there is no person or place out there that can give me the security or peace of mind that I can only find from deep within. When I am connected to my power and stay present, through conscious breath, I have a much better chance at maintaining balance and equilibrium in my life.

We always need to be careful of who, what and where your mind engages and have discernment in who you let into your energy field. Pay attention to your body and if you feel uneasy, listen to that. This is not a time to go back to sleep.

“Some people think Shari’s work is magic. It’s not magic, actually. She literally goes in and cleans out energies that are getting in the way of one’s true path. Working with her has helped me become more grounded and true to myself.” ~ Joanne Kim


Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 3.26.21 PMwatch video here:

“Magic, Miracle, Blessing, Grace”

It has been a year since I wrote my last blog. Recently a client asked if he could create  a video for me in exchange for a session. He asked what I would like to talk about. I did not have a clue what I wanted to say. During the filming he and his girlfriend asked several questions about what I do and my responses surprised me. I had received so much wisdom from my teacher, and I wanted to share this knowledge with my next blog post.

I couldn’t help but think of a time years back when I was a mere pup and was on my extreme spiritual quest. I was lucky to cross paths and work with many powerful teachers, shamans, kahunas and profound healers. However, I was naive and did not understand the spiritual world. I certainly did not know who I was, and hence constantly being attacked by entities and feeling extremely out of sorts. I would think, “Why is this happening to me?” I asked these shamans and healers, but none would give me a straight answer. I became very isolated to the point of feeling suicidal. I had this strange deathly feeling coming from inside of me. Now I need to let you know that I was sick for weeks to the point of feeling I was actually going to die. One day I woke up and realized I had to clear this immediately. I sat like a thunder bolt and stated my intention/prayer to whatever guide or angel would listen. I shouted out, “Please help clear this energy from me now!” I sat with such a force and began to breathe as if were my last breath. Then it was if a hand reached into me and pulled the dark gremlin out of me. As it was leaving my body, it felt miles long. My mind somehow knew that this was energy clearing out from me. What I could not quite grasp was it felt very familiar. When I mentioned it to my teacher, Papa Joe, he pointed out that I was beginning to remember. This was what I had done for lifetimes, which began my new journey as a healer.

Since then several people have asked me, “Can you teach me the healing work that you do?” The answer is I can help awaken what is already inside you.

It has come to my awareness that many like myself are searching for answers. They are looking for purpose and meaning in their lives. Nothing can bring you to yourself but your own quest for spiritual truth and a deep desire to break free.

Our True Identity

mary in the rock II

The mind is limited. It only knows what it has been programed from the past. We can spend years mentally trying to figure it all out but in order to gain higher knowledge we need to connect to our spirit. Our soul has access to a blueprint of our existence. It is not limited because it’s connected to all time and space.

In order to truly advance physically, mentally, spiritually we must awaken out of the old reality and into the new paradigm.

It is up to us to make that choice and be willing to let go of the ego.

There is no greater reward than to move beyond personality. Then we can discover the god self within, our true identity.

The Highest Form of Self Care


Many years ago I felt lost, ungrounded, and full of fear. I went to my teacher Papa Joe and asked him for help. He sat me down with a big grin on his face and said “the wind is trying to speak to you”. I was a bit surprised by his response. I tried but couldn’t hear the wind talking to me. He repeated himself, “the wind has a message for you”. Frustrated, I still couldn’t hear a thing. He said “stop trying and just do it”. I took a long deep breath and got myself as present as I possibly could. I started to sense the leaves on the trees and the rustling sound they made. Not thinking about the wind but feeling it and becoming one with it all around me. Then suddenly, as if a doorway opened, I began to hear but the voice was deep within myself. It was so simple.

“Quieting yourself is the problem and silence is the solution,” Papa said, beaming with pride for my discovery.

This experience changed my life forever. From then on I practiced what I had learned from my wise teacher.

I equated this listening with being the highest form of self care. When we are silent we can detach from all the cords that keep us in disharmony. So we can connect to the truth inside us instead of looking outside for answers and validation.

What could be better then being at home with ourselves?

“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina

Going Within

In this critical time return to a spiritual way of life, that is the way you will make it through” ~ Chief Arvol Looking Horse


I read this quote by Chief Arvol and thought to myself “yes, this is the way”. The words hit me profoundly. Some people may be feeling the chaos happening on the planet right now. I know I am. Disease, war, drastic weather changes, and extreme financial insecurity is scary and driving people into more fear.

In my last blog, I talked about slaying your dragons. Fear is one of those dragons. So how does one deal with fear especially in these times of enormous turmoil? Where is safe? What is the truth? What is gonna happen to us or the planet in ten, twenty, thirty years from now? Think about it; we all know the shit is hitting the fan!

Going within is the only way we will know peace. Do you know what this means? Pulling your attention from the outside world and paying attention to your inner world. Your soul, spirit, intuition, and integrity. Your place of knowing. This is what was meant by a spiritual way of life.

When people come to me for spiritual advice or healing, the question is always the same. “How do I listen to my intuition”? The truth is we all know how to listen to our intuition, but just get a little sidetracked from our intuitive voice. The ego’s voice is much louder and has hooks to it. The constant programming being fed to us on a daily basis makes the ego very active. It says we need more, more, more! Come on, how ridiculous is this world of consumerism we live in? How far from nature do we need to go?

So what is being said here might seem like a “nice concept” for a few of those spiritual types out there, but we all need to begin to do this. We need to start making time each day for silence and going within. Taking time in nature, yoga, meditating , and walking. Anything that helps you get PRESENT. That means getting out of your constant mind chatter. Let’s all wake up out of our mind-controlled comas and be here now. So, how do we do this? The answer is you must learn to breathe. When we breathe consciously, it pulls our awareness away from the mind’s control. You do not need to be a master yogi to do this. Even if it’s five minutes a day, you are “doing it”. So just begin to DO IT!

Do I sound bossy or like I am on a soap box? If I do, it’s because this works. There is a war going on and it is inside of us. Never mind changing the world out there. Change yourself first, then you will have something to say. It’s time to slay those dragons. Breathe through those fears and stop letting them control you. Take back your focus and stand present in yourself now.

The indigenous people have the wisdom. What they have been telling us for years is very important now. Start your own personal path. Enter the place within yourself. All this takes is the choice to do so.

For information on my next workshop please go to my group sessions page

Slaying your dragons

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~ Jim Morrison

shamen chick

As the summer starts to fade, and we begin to move into the fall it is the perfect time to become reacquainted with ourselves. Days become shorter and we start to go inside and prepare our fireplaces with wood as reflection starts to happen quite naturally. I personally love the fall. However it does make me feel sad and melancholy sometimes but in a good way. WIth the change of weather, I was inspired to write a new blog.

I went to the store a couple of days ago to get prepared for a dinner party at my home. I could not help but to notice a woman who was extremely rude. She nearly knocked me over to get a parking space. I later saw her face to face in the market. Her eyes were in a fury and very far away. The body language was cold, angry, and saying “me first”! Not someone present at all. I looked her deep in the eyes, and immediately got goose bumps. There was something else looking at me, and I knew it was not her.

It got me thinking about, how many times have we either experienced someone like this on our path or even been there ourselves? Ever stop to wonder what is the force behind this strange kind of behavior?

When I apprenticed with my teacher over a period of seven years, I began to notice these “things” not only in others but with me as well. What I saw blew my mind. When you actually focus on these fears, angers, strange behaviors/thoughts, and obsessions is that they are alive. It’s like they have a mind or will of their own, and they do. What are they? It was brought to my attention that these “things” were entities. People over the years have asked me “where do these entities come from”? I literally could spend hours explaining, but for now will just touch briefly on the subject.

It is important to start taking inventory so we can be responsible for ourselves. Take a good look at the fears that control and block us from becoming who we could be. A lot of our imbalances, sicknesses, depression, anxieties, addictions, and making bad choices, stem from these energies. Sounds like sci-fi, right? But if you really think about it, why is it so hard to change these things in ourselves? Or why would someone be so rude to practically run you over in their car? Why would anyone choose to be unconscious?

I have mentioned before in previous blogs, how important it is to do the work, to raise our vibration. Ridding ourselves of the dragons that keep pulling us down, dragging us off our paths, and making us into sheep or zombies.

Thankfully, you can get help with a great deal of this. Healers (Shamans, Kahunas, Tuhungas) people with “Real Medicine” to assist in transforming the negative energies. It takes time, but this is a start to beginning an existence of freedom. It is possible. With the awareness as well as surrendering your ego we all can Slay our Dragons.

Shari moves energy. She is invaluable for those who are ready to embark on journeys of personal growth, take responsibility for what is (or is not) happening to them. Or for those who simply need clear energy in order to move forward. Be ready for things to shift!”  L. Anomaiprasert

For details on my next workshop please go to group sessions page

Photo by Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Summer of Love

Do you remember when you were young, and hours would go by and your parents would have to drag you from whatever you were doing? We were present, free, and alive. I can remember riding my bike for hours without much thought in my mind other than the moment. Now we have grown up (some of us) and we are responsible and have “stuff to do”, big responsibilities that drag our minds into a constant future. But what ever happened to the innocent child? The pure heart, the joy and passion for being alive.

summer of love heart

As we became older we were shown, or told,  what was the expectation for our existence. We became more and more guarded, and had life experiences that showed us how to be. We were wounded and molded through parents, school, church, society, friends, and developed our belief systems. Little by little we shut down and joined the status quo. We learned to lie and most of all lie to ourselves of who and what we were. If you were to fully stop in this moment and ask yourself, are you living “Your Life”, of who you truly are, what would that answer be?

So, I bet you are all thinking, wait a minute! I thought this was going to be a romantic tale. “Summer of Love”, running on the beach half naked late nights with a hot passionate lover. Well, that might be one chapter of the novel. Nor is this about, drug taking dancing in the fields or a rave in some warehouse. But where I’m heading with this is another direction. Sorry, I’ll save the romantic tales for another blog post.

This however, is a love story about you and your life. Beginning now to unwind all those barriers that were created to “protect you” but were they really doing that?

Could you for a moment imagine life without your worry, fear, judgments, and trying to control everything?  Can you perceive even for a second dropping all your “stuff” and just surrendering to the moment? Allowing yourself to enjoy this time in your life right here, right now. With all your so called problems. You see, at the end of the day, it’s about your mind’s perception.  I myself could give you a list of my woes but I choose not to focus on that, it’s not about your life being “perfect”.  It is about conciousness, wouldn’t you rather be in the state of love and joy?

Can you remember the last time you were in the moment? I mean completely present not already thinking what you had to do next. I’m not talking about being a mindless blissed out space cadet. But a person fully connected and grounded in their body. Loving yourself, exactly as you are, fully in this time and space. My personal bible, “The Power of Now”, brings you through in great detail how the mind constantly hooks us into not being present. It describes fully and beautifully, how we are running after a carrot in our thoughts. This never allows us to be here and just drop in to that delicious place called now. That is the place where love resides.

Remember the old radios on our parent’s car? With big chunky, silver knobs to move through the stations.  This is how we can change our present vibration. We need to tune the station and move the knob on that radio to a new channel. It’s called the station of love. Yes, and it’s that simple. Choose the station of love. And fall completely in love with yourself and come alive at this time. Or this could be called by some of the spiritual teachers, an awakening!

So that’s right! I’m declaring it: “Summer of Love”. Take a big risk, and do the biggest act of love. Letting go of your constant mind chatter. And release your incessant negative thinking. Then get ready to enjoy the beauty life has to offer. Why wait until you are perfect to be ok with yourself? And guess what, it ain’t never gonna happen. The time is now, to drop into love. And just surrender to that beautiful place called “Now”.

See details about my next workshop on Group Sessions page  

“Shari is a powerful guide and a deeply admired spiritual counselor. She has taken me into the depth of my past traumas and pains and has led me out of them. With her higher insight, she recognizes destructive patterns, negative entities, energy blockages, and then moves them through and out. Every time I see Shari, I am transformed. I am forever grateful for her wisdom, patience, kindness and insight.”

Jeanine Marie Mingé, Ph.D.


Photo credit: Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Energy Clearing

Sage is used in cleansing and clearing of energy. Used by the Native Americans and Shamans and becoming more popular by the general public. The smoke is meant to call up to the spirits in prayer and purify the energy of intention.


Which brings me to my topic this week “Energy Clearing”.

This is the majority of my work. When a client comes to see me I clear their energy. They are completely transformed and feel better than when they first arrived at my front door. After the session they generally ask “How do I clear my energy and keep myself protected in the future?”

There are many ways to clear your energy. Having yourself cleared by a energy worker is most effective. But learning tools and adding them to your day to day life is vital for keeping yourself vibrant and healthy!

As I mentioned in my previous post, “Raising your Vibration” is a start to keeping your energy clear because it keeps you vital and strong. Diet, exercise, plenty of sleep, and a good positive attitude, are all important to your well-being.

Many years back when I was apprenticing with my teacher, I was shown how to clear my energy, as well as that of other people and environments. The first thing he mentioned about keeping yourself clear and protected was grounding. I can still hear his voice with that authoritative tone, GROUNDING. And I might add he is right. If your head is in the clouds and not here and now with two feet on the ground, you are more receptive to allowing energies onto you. When we are grounded, we are connected, we have more life force which aides in a stronger frequency. Also we are less susceptible to “dramas” which are riddled with negatives!!

Now you hear what I’m talking about? We have choice in what we allow to come to us! If we are coherent and present less “stuff” is apt to get past our radar. This is the game, staying as conscious as possible. Which means a daily practice of a spiritual connection. Meditating, journaling, walking in nature, exercise or anything that clears the mind and calms the nervous system and begins to bring us into the present moment, is important for a balanced way of life.

The expression “go jump in the ocean” is one of the most sound pieces of advice anyone could give you. In all the Maori ceremonies they use the ocean in cleansing those negative forces that attach themselves to you. Whenever I would get any negatives stuck to me the first thing my teacher would say would be “Go to the Ocean”. I cannot explain to you in words why this works but trust me, it does.

Awareness is key. First we need the awareness that we are “off” or “not ourselves”. Prayer and intention are, for me, my most common tools. When used with absolute certainty and a genuine heart we can clear most energies. I won’t go into this too much but I do ask for “helpers” to guide and protect me with clearing. It really works and I still to this day am in awe of it!

Aligning yourself to positive people and situations is very important. Asking ourselves: “Why am I here?” “What is my intention in bringing myself to this situation?”  The relationship department is the hardest one of them all and can be tricky. We have to be fully in our integrity with this. And there are plenty of blind and stubborn areas that don’t always want to move because we become attached or don’t want to take responsibility. But this is why we are here, we need to work through these dark areas. To make the choice towards the most positive result for ourselves.

Cocooning is one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself. This ancient technique was demonstrated to me by my teacher. It is a shield that you create around your auric field, to keep away unwanted energies. Since this requires some explanation, it is something I will be focusing on in my next workshop.

And now I want to talk about Neutrality – this is a state of mind, an equilibrium. Not a positive nor a negative, but a completely neutral space. Imagine the serene monk, with a clear, calm expression on his face. Not in the state of love nor the place of resistance. This is where you are untouchable. This, of course, takes years of practice.

I know there are several other things people use for protection. Stones, oils, crosses, sages, crystals, chanting, mantras and various other things. These are wonderful tools for setting your intention, but nothing is more powerful then”Knowing who we are” and standing fully in that. As it once was passed down to me the great wisdom of “I AM”!

Photo by: Richard Lee Smith Jr.

For details on my next workshop, please go to the group sessions page.

“If I could get all my friends to Shari I would in a heartbeat. As a past healer-hopper I had tried them all but all I can say is Shari is the real deal. I have had such phenomenal experiences with her, you’d hardly believe it if I told you. It’s best to go see for yourself anyway. Believe me, you’d be doing yourself a favor. She channels some serious juice that can transmute deep fears and trauma that, who knows, you may have carried for lifetimes. At least I feel she did that with me. Very grateful that she is in my life.Thank you Shari! xoxo”

– Wendy Adamson 


Raising your Vibration

Have you ever seen Lord of the Rings? Remember when Frodo puts on the ring and enters another reality, and can see the energy world? Fascinating, isn’t it?  The shamans would describe this as journeying, the Toltecs call it dreaming, the Maori Tahungas call this traveling. This is how it looks for me when I am doing a session on someone.

I mention this, because if you were to be aware of what’s going on in with your energy, perhaps some of your choices would be different. Everything has a cause and effect. If you play in the dirt you will get dirty, if you eat lots of cake or drink too much you might feel ill. The same works with energy.

We are sometimes unconscious of what is happening in the energy world. Perhaps the mind thinks I can’t see it, therefore it doesn’t exist. However the energy world is very real. What we are doing with our mind, body, spirit on a daily basis is very important. What we are sending out and what our minds are thinking. What we are feeding it and how we are treating ourselves and the people around us. What and whom we are allowing to come into our lives and attracting into it. Is it an attitude of honor and respect? Or is it a vibration or frequency of fear and ego?  It is time to start asking these honest questions because we all need to be responsible for our vibration and our energy fields. It is easy to sit and quote the latest guru or poet or post horror pictures of the bullshit going down on the planet. But what’s more important, is for us to take responsibility for ourselves and our own lives. Myself included! When we are too caught up in the “me” we lose sight of the bigger picture and this is where I am going with the topic of “Raising our Vibration”.

The people that I work with have for the most part been working on themselves for some time. Read a few books, gone to a few yoga classes, done some therapy, have some sort of awareness of self help. So why won’t those things you want manifest, why do you have health issues, stress, pain and suffering? Are you going around and around with this? Are you tired yet? It’s time to stop what you’re doing and start to rise above. Getting rid of “story” is the first part. What do I mean by that? The story is all the reasons why you (cannot) move forward, whatever the problem is. We need to rid ourselves of all the negatives. Most of the time we know what to do, but do not want to do the work. The ego wants to stay in control and doesn’t want to change. In order to stop the suffering, as I said, we must rise above and begin a new chapter, a new frequency. It is all about common sense. Stopping the old paradigm, in order to begin the new.

Have you ever done any gardening before? Well whether you have, or not, try and imagine you and your life as a garden. Take a good look at it. Are there weeds? Do you need to water it, feed it fertilizer? Do new plants or seeds need to be put into place? Are certain plants getting too much sun or too little? This is the attitude and awareness you need to put onto yourself and your life. Looking at what needs to be done. If you do this you will begin to increase your vibration. If you start to do these things in your life the attention and awareness will begin to make apparent all what you need to do in order to:

a.) release what’s not working for you and holding you back

b.) put into your life what you need.

Your energy will begin to elevate as a result of this. There are some areas that might not be in your awareness yet. Sometimes we might be blind to the fact that we are holding onto things. We can’t always see ourselves and might need help with this part. A lot of our suffering stems from holding onto the past, especially resentments. Some may be short term or some more deep seated. This is where the true moving of our karma takes place. This takes great strength. Why would I forgive that “so and so”, they did this to me! Why?  Because this is the poison and heaviness that keeps you from opening up. It is locking you in place and not allowing you to move forward. It is that expression of “it’s hurting you more than it’s hurting them”. Also we might not have seen our part. This is also an area of importance. We sometimes think it’s all them . It might be, but it might be you’re not aware yet that you’re affecting others around you as they are affecting you. So all these must be taken into consideration to enlighten oneself.

The point being, we want to feel good. We want to get on with it and do what we are meant to do. We want most importantly to be FREE! This is what true healing is about. Again, we are not doing this because some outside force is watching us. We are doing it for ourselves. Letting go, opening up and Raising our Vibration!

As with the story in the Lord of the Rings, they were deeply challenged every step of the way, to choose the higher road. Just as I have been and continue to be tested! As will you.


For details of my next workshop please look at group session page.

“My journey in the wellness field began when I was a child. But in my adult life, 6 years ago, this is when the mind body soul “wellness” path i had been studying as a passion my entire life, pushed me, to make it a career. I was the host of The Healers Way and then founded The Angel Frequency. This path blossomed my abilities but also led me to work with and discover others with amazing talents. One of the top healers that comes to mind for me is Shari Geitzenauer. I love love love her work. She moves energy and you actually feel it. It’s not woo woo, it’s WHOO HOOOO!! I like when I interviewed her (see on my and she said “I help people when they are stuck. Like “Draino” for energy, I get you unstuck”. She absolutely unblocks the energy. When I was on her table, I felt like I was in Star Trek when they beam them from the ship and their bodies go into particles. I felt my body go into particles. I never felt anything like it. If you are feeling blocked, or have stuck energy, I highly recommend Shari’s work!”

Angelique Bianca