To Forgive

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you” Change is coming, and if you’re not ready, it will carry you wherever it feels because the force and the great awakening is inevitable. For … Continue reading

Reversing the Aging Process


Last December a very close friend of mine died of cancer right after his 31st birthday. To watch his rapid decline was a sobering experience to say the least. The few conversations I had with him while he was in the hospital were simple, yet profound. He had always been the type of guy who loved to be close to nature. He loved surfing, hiking and spent much of his time taking beautiful photographs outdoors. In my last conversation with him, he said, “All I want to do is come home and watch the sunset.”

It was strange how I never grieved after he passed. It was almost like his spirit was telling me not be sad and go out to enjoy that sunset he missed. Not long after that, I went for a long walk and I left my phone behind so I wouldn’t be disturbed. While walking in silence, I heard a clear voice say, ‘live your life.’ I remember my teacher, Papa Joe, used to say that all the time to me.

As I reflected on my current mindset, I could see how I had been letting the overall negativity in the world get in. I knew I was capable of much, much more. I started to ask myself questions, how can I show up for my life more joyfully? As soon as I asked the question I could feel my heart opening. In order to find joy I would need to honor my life force. That’s when I made a choice to commit, by becoming the best version of myself that I could be!

I followed up by making an appointment with an acupuncturist. I listened to lectures on health and spiritual wellness. I watched countless videos by The Medical Medium, by Dr Eric Berg, By Subah Jain, Eckhart Tolle and many more. I was well aware of much of this information already, but the difference came from integrating it into my life. As I started to implement this new life style I started seeing radical results. I felt so much lighter and happier. I lost weight. My skin began to glow. Wrinkles smoothed out. My eyes were brighter. My energy level was through the roof. I slept well. My hormones leveled out. A fibroid I had shrunk completely.

I started to pay close attention to what was giving me energy or what was depleting it, and I would like to share some of that with you:

1.) Change your mindset. Old beliefs are like little monsters that keep you stuck in negative patterns.

2.) Finding a purpose is one of the greatest gifts in life. A purpose will align you with higher frequency.

3.) Although many resentments may feel justified, we need to get rid of them. Holding negative thoughts inside about people, places, or things will only create a vortex that will drain your vital energy. Often when clients get off my healing table they look like they they’ve just come back from a two-month holiday in the Caribbean because they’ve let their resentments go.

4.) I have always been mindful about my diet, but often used foods for comfort. Recently, I changed my diet from mainly proteins to eating plenty of vegetables. I start every morning with a vegetable and fruit smoothie. I don’t eat processed food. I removed all sugar, dairy, breads, eggs and pork. I look for foods that will alkaline my body and kill off any cancer cells and disease. Weight loss has not only become easier for me, its incredibly fun. While it may seem challenging at first, eventually your palette will change. You will actually crave food that is filled with more life force.

5.) Sleep is vital for cell regeneration, so if you’re not sleeping well it needs to be addressed. Do you have stressors that are disrupting your sleep? Have you had your hormones checked for any imbalances? Are you eating the right foods?

6.) Exercise helps renew cells while bringing oxygen to your blood. It is important to increase your heart rate in order to clear stagnation in your body. While doing exercise remember to listen to the body and not overdue it. Also hydrate and drink plenty of water.

7.) Sunlight is one of the best medicines for your body and the best times to absorb the sun is early in the morning or just before sunset. Taking in this natural source of light restores and gives the cells the vitality it needs.

8.) Being in nature helps to not only boost your cells, but increases collagen in the skin. Breathe in the air when you’re in nature because within it lies the fountain of youth

9.) Meditation. In such a hectic world it is critical that we find time for silence. Calming your mind through breathing and quiet frees you from the grips of a busy mind. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual beliefs are, only that you bring your awareness into the now.

10.) Stop doing so much. Do you really need to burn your candle at both ends? Slow down and smell the roses. How many times I hear people say “ I’m too busy”. For your life, health, well being. You see maybe we don’t have to do this only when we are sick and then fighting to live. Maybe we can do this because life is precious and we deserve to be the best.

11.) Gratitude is extremely important because it lifts the vibration in our bodies. As it was told to me by my teacher. Every morning and each night say, THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE.

I’m sure many of you are well aware of these things already, but hopefully this will serve as a friendly reminder so you can see the years of built up toxicity melting away from your entire being.


“There are many trends to health and healing, and many people claim they can help you . I’ve been led down some pretty dark paths. But no matter how much time or money I had spent on a health issue’s before working with Shari, I never saw much change or result. Maybe one new thing, like a diet change or new supplement. Only to find the symptom to disappear for a moment, but it always came back. I couldn’t keep up! The endless chase of the newest research or test left me drained, and sometimes worse off than before. So when I came to Shari I was riddled with health problems. I thought Shari would just be another one of “those people” (even though the story of how I came to know of Shari is epic unto itself). I was wrong. SHARI IS THE REAL DEAL.”    

~Nicole Mcbride~

Spiritual Warrior II

shari warrior w violet.JPG

“There is always a spiritual test before being able to attain the next stage of power. Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. When Divine manifestations take place, they have also to pass through great difficulties and sufferings as a result of oppositions of dark and anti-divine [occult] forces which have had a hold upon earth since the creation. Those dark powers always oppose the new Lights because they do not want to give up their grip on the earth and sometimes their hostility even takes the form of war on earth, but in spite of all obstructions the Divine Will succeeds at last.”

~ from “Words of The Mother – Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother”

A blogger by the name of
Bernhard Guenthe posted this a few months ago. He posts very powerful teachings. Right now they make more sense to me then anything else out there.
“Amazing” I thought, because I was talking about this to someone. We were discussing the spiritual tests that come with the path of a spiritual warrior…the day to day issues that force our attention to be distracted. This might make us question and lose confidence in ourselves, creating a cloudy and fearful perspective on things. You must be quiet and keep some of those doubts close to your chest in anticipation that change is coming. I found this isn’t easy, no matter how much work you have done on yourself, or how powerful you are.

Then to have these forces prey upon our insecurities. How do we see past this darkness? How do we rise above our own humanity to see our path?
Making your spiritual life a priority and listening to that quiet inner voice has to be a priority.

Shut off your phone. Go for a quiet walk in nature and listen……
Go if possible by yourself and not with that “chatty friend” and breath….
If you’re not close to nature… Sit quietly and breathe. Listen to your breath and ask for your highest self to show you the way…
There are positive forces that align when we honestly ask for clarity and help.

Not all souls are here to be a light worker. So this can make you doubt yourself when you talk and compare yourself to others. You may find your perceptions different from others.
Now there is the true test of the Spiritual Warrior. Listening and eventually trusting our own legacy.



Spiritual Warrior

 “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~ Ferdinand Foch

shari kill bill

photo by: Joanne Kim

I had a dream last night. I was looking out of a big glass window in a high rise building. As I looked down at the city I saw a horrific crash—what appeared to be one of the worst car crashes I have ever seen. I saw a woman fly out from the crash flipping backwards through the sky. I realized she had died and her spirit was leaving her body. I then saw several clusters of gold light surrounding the area of the accident. I started crying hysterically, an uncontrollable sob. I somehow saw myself crying and observed my reaction. At that moment a voice said “pray.” I stopped crying and realized my hysterical reaction was an automatic response. I turned around and saw a body sleeping and started yelling to wake them up. The person would not wake up and at that moment I realized I was dreaming.

The dream had me so shaken up and throughout the day I wondered what the dream was trying to tell me. It dawned on me that it was revealing how this automatic response of drama was deeply programmed into me. It became clear I was controlled by my reaction and was being asked to find the strength to rise above. I saw how it is not easy to make that change, like swimming upstream or running in sand. But I realized I could if I made the choice. I thought, “This is a spiritual warrior.” I decided then I would write a blog with the title Spiritual Warrior. I felt there must be other people out their having the same struggle in their own lives.

I thought about how many times I have overcome great adversity that has shaped me into the woman I am today. It has not been an easy path. Being a light-worker is no easy task. I remember all the years working with my teacher, Papa Joe. I began to understand the daily tests one has to endure to become a genuine healer. The idea that most people have of Spiritual Warrior is that of a cartoon figure getting rid of “the bad guy.” But being a spiritual warrior is a choice one must make over and over again. One must choose to keep and hold onto higher vibrations. In other words, becoming a spiritual warrior is a way of life and is not something that happens overnight.

From my viewpoint there is so much chaotic energy in the world today. I feel this is part of the agenda to keep people disconnected from their center. Some say the veil is being lifted. I happen to agree with this.

Are you feeling disconnected from your center? Are you frustrated with what is happening in your life and the planet? Is the fire and the fury awakening in you?

In what ways are you being challenged to develop as a spiritual warrior today?

Shari’s work is perceptive and wise. Her ability to shift my energy toward a place of more clarity is remarkable and consistent.”  ~Eugene Ahn

Summer of Love

Do you remember when you were young, and hours would go by and your parents would have to drag you from whatever you were doing? We were present, free, and alive. I can remember riding my bike for hours without much thought in my mind other than the moment. Now we have grown up (some of us) and we are responsible and have “stuff to do”, big responsibilities that drag our minds into a constant future. But what ever happened to the innocent child? The pure heart, the joy and passion for being alive.

summer of love heart

As we became older we were shown, or told,  what was the expectation for our existence. We became more and more guarded, and had life experiences that showed us how to be. We were wounded and molded through parents, school, church, society, friends, and developed our belief systems. Little by little we shut down and joined the status quo. We learned to lie and most of all lie to ourselves of who and what we were. If you were to fully stop in this moment and ask yourself, are you living “Your Life”, of who you truly are, what would that answer be?

So, I bet you are all thinking, wait a minute! I thought this was going to be a romantic tale. “Summer of Love”, running on the beach half naked late nights with a hot passionate lover. Well, that might be one chapter of the novel. Nor is this about, drug taking dancing in the fields or a rave in some warehouse. But where I’m heading with this is another direction. Sorry, I’ll save the romantic tales for another blog post.

This however, is a love story about you and your life. Beginning now to unwind all those barriers that were created to “protect you” but were they really doing that?

Could you for a moment imagine life without your worry, fear, judgments, and trying to control everything?  Can you perceive even for a second dropping all your “stuff” and just surrendering to the moment? Allowing yourself to enjoy this time in your life right here, right now. With all your so called problems. You see, at the end of the day, it’s about your mind’s perception.  I myself could give you a list of my woes but I choose not to focus on that, it’s not about your life being “perfect”.  It is about conciousness, wouldn’t you rather be in the state of love and joy?

Can you remember the last time you were in the moment? I mean completely present not already thinking what you had to do next. I’m not talking about being a mindless blissed out space cadet. But a person fully connected and grounded in their body. Loving yourself, exactly as you are, fully in this time and space. My personal bible, “The Power of Now”, brings you through in great detail how the mind constantly hooks us into not being present. It describes fully and beautifully, how we are running after a carrot in our thoughts. This never allows us to be here and just drop in to that delicious place called now. That is the place where love resides.

Remember the old radios on our parent’s car? With big chunky, silver knobs to move through the stations.  This is how we can change our present vibration. We need to tune the station and move the knob on that radio to a new channel. It’s called the station of love. Yes, and it’s that simple. Choose the station of love. And fall completely in love with yourself and come alive at this time. Or this could be called by some of the spiritual teachers, an awakening!

So that’s right! I’m declaring it: “Summer of Love”. Take a big risk, and do the biggest act of love. Letting go of your constant mind chatter. And release your incessant negative thinking. Then get ready to enjoy the beauty life has to offer. Why wait until you are perfect to be ok with yourself? And guess what, it ain’t never gonna happen. The time is now, to drop into love. And just surrender to that beautiful place called “Now”.

See details about my next workshop on Group Sessions page  

“Shari is a powerful guide and a deeply admired spiritual counselor. She has taken me into the depth of my past traumas and pains and has led me out of them. With her higher insight, she recognizes destructive patterns, negative entities, energy blockages, and then moves them through and out. Every time I see Shari, I am transformed. I am forever grateful for her wisdom, patience, kindness and insight.”

Jeanine Marie Mingé, Ph.D.


Photo credit: Richard Lee Smith Jr.