Summer of Love

Do you remember when you were young, and hours would go by and your parents would have to drag you from whatever you were doing? We were present, free, and alive. I can remember riding my bike for hours without much thought in my mind other than the moment. Now we have grown up (some of us) and we are responsible and have “stuff to do”, big responsibilities that drag our minds into a constant future. But what ever happened to the innocent child? The pure heart, the joy and passion for being alive.

summer of love heart

As we became older we were shown, or told,  what was the expectation for our existence. We became more and more guarded, and had life experiences that showed us how to be. We were wounded and molded through parents, school, church, society, friends, and developed our belief systems. Little by little we shut down and joined the status quo. We learned to lie and most of all lie to ourselves of who and what we were. If you were to fully stop in this moment and ask yourself, are you living “Your Life”, of who you truly are, what would that answer be?

So, I bet you are all thinking, wait a minute! I thought this was going to be a romantic tale. “Summer of Love”, running on the beach half naked late nights with a hot passionate lover. Well, that might be one chapter of the novel. Nor is this about, drug taking dancing in the fields or a rave in some warehouse. But where I’m heading with this is another direction. Sorry, I’ll save the romantic tales for another blog post.

This however, is a love story about you and your life. Beginning now to unwind all those barriers that were created to “protect you” but were they really doing that?

Could you for a moment imagine life without your worry, fear, judgments, and trying to control everything?  Can you perceive even for a second dropping all your “stuff” and just surrendering to the moment? Allowing yourself to enjoy this time in your life right here, right now. With all your so called problems. You see, at the end of the day, it’s about your mind’s perception.  I myself could give you a list of my woes but I choose not to focus on that, it’s not about your life being “perfect”.  It is about conciousness, wouldn’t you rather be in the state of love and joy?

Can you remember the last time you were in the moment? I mean completely present not already thinking what you had to do next. I’m not talking about being a mindless blissed out space cadet. But a person fully connected and grounded in their body. Loving yourself, exactly as you are, fully in this time and space. My personal bible, “The Power of Now”, brings you through in great detail how the mind constantly hooks us into not being present. It describes fully and beautifully, how we are running after a carrot in our thoughts. This never allows us to be here and just drop in to that delicious place called now. That is the place where love resides.

Remember the old radios on our parent’s car? With big chunky, silver knobs to move through the stations.  This is how we can change our present vibration. We need to tune the station and move the knob on that radio to a new channel. It’s called the station of love. Yes, and it’s that simple. Choose the station of love. And fall completely in love with yourself and come alive at this time. Or this could be called by some of the spiritual teachers, an awakening!

So that’s right! I’m declaring it: “Summer of Love”. Take a big risk, and do the biggest act of love. Letting go of your constant mind chatter. And release your incessant negative thinking. Then get ready to enjoy the beauty life has to offer. Why wait until you are perfect to be ok with yourself? And guess what, it ain’t never gonna happen. The time is now, to drop into love. And just surrender to that beautiful place called “Now”.

See details about my next workshop on Group Sessions page  

“Shari is a powerful guide and a deeply admired spiritual counselor. She has taken me into the depth of my past traumas and pains and has led me out of them. With her higher insight, she recognizes destructive patterns, negative entities, energy blockages, and then moves them through and out. Every time I see Shari, I am transformed. I am forever grateful for her wisdom, patience, kindness and insight.”

Jeanine Marie Mingé, Ph.D.


Photo credit: Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Spiritual Healing


1.) pertaining/relating to the spirit or soul,as distinguished from physical nature

shari spiritual


1.) to make sound or whole

2.) to restore to original purity or integrity

I would like to start writing/blogging about some common questions people ask me about my work and healing in general. My goal is to communicate and take away some mystery around healing, and hopefully present it in a practical no-nonsense kind of a way. So it can reach people and help us to let go of all the fluff that goes with healing! Practical common sense would be the approach! So fingers crossed, here I go.

The reason I chose to use the dictionary definition to start this post is because how simple and practical is the idea now once the woo woo is removed so the true message can come through.

Spiritual Healing is a common reason why people come to me. I noticed once the person is helped through their own labyrinth with really focused energy the common thread is usually there. We feel alone. Whatever the person is presently challenged with feels too big which creates fear. A held space with a genuine heart and prayer (focused intention) creates a calling out with our words and begins a ripple or current of energy.

In other words: attention. Turning your attention towards the solution. Becoming present …… Now in that moment is where the magic miracle takes place. Ask simply, ask.

There is a whole energy world out there. How do I know that is another subject. But I do know there are so many unseen helpers, angels and guides. The spiritual healing happens when we re-connect back to our spirit and there are helpers waiting to be recognized so they can do their jobs. As a facilitator, watching people at this moment is awe-inspiring, goose bumps down the arms, the soul comes back to knowing, and the feeling of being lost vanishes. It may only be for a few seconds but the spiritual healing took place and the light comes through….I am grateful to have been a part of this process with so many people, including myself.

Wishing you a beautiful day. May you all reconnect back to your spirit/soul……….

To those of you that were there last night, thank you for all your support in coming to my first workshop, it was an amazing evening. I was pleasantly surprised to see so much light in all your eyes as you left. I am open to feedback on subjects you would like me to address in blogging or in  future workshops. (to be announced soon)

“Shari has guided me to let go of the “story” and to live in the present moment. When we first met, I was a bundle of anxiety and worry, and I suffered pain everywhere in my body. I didn’t sleep well, and I was constantly judging everything that I did and said. Through our sessions, I am beginning to enjoy my life in a different way, and as Shari is helping me to release stress, pain, and anguish from my life, I am becoming a more relaxed person.  I am very grateful for the lessons that I am learning through my experiences with Shari. Each time is different. Each time I release. Each time is an unforgettable experience.” 

Laura Klein

Here is my new site…

Good morning ! So refreshing after all that rain….. I would love to start sharing my world with all of you.


I started my new site because I wanted to open up a conversation with my work as a healer. I’ve practiced professionally now for the last 12 years. Since 2002, I have shifted my style and approach as I developed and advanced my self. I currently am working now bringing people to a calm hypnotic state where deep rooted cellular memory has been stored. This intense focus of energy will uncover and transform “dis-ease” and release permanently from the person. Sometimes it could be from unresolved issues brought in with you from other lifetimes, trauma from birth, wounding from childhood.

Fertility has become a huge part of my mission. This is because many woman are unable to get pregnant due to blockages-disconnection with their own femininity, sexual abuse, deep-seated fear lodged in the body and mind and helping the woman understand the very nature of allowing the child’s soul to begin the journey with mom.

Of course there is plenty more for me to share in regards to what I do. But this is the beginning of taking my work to the next level.

So for now here is a testimony of someone who has experienced my work.

I couldn’t believe how powerful my first individual session was. I have since been back and have sent many friends to Shari; each one had the same, profound experience. Prior to seeing her, despite a few years of hard, inner-work, I still felt like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the mountain. Shari came in and broke up the rock with her incredible powers and now, what was a painstaking life, is simply a happy, mountain stroll.
