Staying Centered

blog~  Create time to connect to your spirit ~

While I was having lunch with friends the other day someone asked, if I thought things were getting worse on the planet.

I paused briefly before I answered. “It’s clearly more hectic with all the inflated egos, and I think everyone is starting to feel the anger that is rising to the surface.”
Some people say that the planet is going through a cleanse. While that may be true, it’s not just any cleanse were talking about here.
Each day I grow more concerned for the animals, the oceans and all of nature. As people are piled on top of each other in over-crowded cities, the rural areas are being destroyed. And if you’re paying attention there always seems to be some drama unfolding on the news. I believe the ongoing media frenzy is used as a way to distract us from what’s really going on underneath. However, I stay away from posting my opinions about conspiracies and political issues because when you say something about that, you can make yourself a target for the countless trolls that are just waiting to pounce.
What I will say here, it is extremely important to stay grounded so you don’t get knocked off your beam. But how can you stay physically, mentally and spiritually well in such challenging times as these?


Usually, when someone comes to see me for counsel or a healing it is because they are out of alignment. Many times these individuals have become so distracted with everything that they want to accomplish in their lives that they have lost their spiritual connection.
In some of my other blogs, I’ve mentioned how important it is to keep our frequency high. The most important way that I stay grounded is to connect with Mother Earth. Meditation is also key and just by doing deep breathing it can allow the equilibrium to balance itself out. Remaining humble is crucial so we don’t get snagged by our egos which can take us places we don’t need to go.
When we think of spirituality we can often think of white robes, candles and hushed voices, however, it can be even more simpler than that. For me, it’s about being whole. A huge challenge these days in a world that is constantly trying to fragment and distract us.
So, in this day and age it’s even more important to be mindful and have clear intentions of what your priorities are. It’s good to be asking ourselves questions like, how can I keep my mind and body in optimum health? How can I create a lifestyle that isn’t driven by fear, greed or lack? How can I stay balanced when chaos seems to be going on all around me?
I strongly believe the answer is to connect deeply to our soul that resides within. So, if we can take a moment each day to go beyond the mind and listen to our inner voice, that is the place where our true center resides.

The Life Meant for You


 Photo  – Joanne Kim


Many years ago, I remember feeling frustrated with my life . I wanted to change my reality when I stumbled upon a book called, Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain. The book talked about using your own imagination to create the life that you wanted. I was intrigued by this ‘new age’ mindset because I desperately wanted my life to change. Like an obsessed addict I followed the book and several other books that I came across. I meditated, visualized, prayed and did positive affirmations with total sincerity. However, the harder I tried to change my life the deeper down the rabbit hole I went.

I know now that I didn’t want to be myself. I wanted to find a magic pill that would transform me into a super star, free of all human limitations. Although I could manifest certain things, like making enough money to pay the bills or shifting my state of mind. Over time, I started to realize the the guy I was deeply in love with, wasn’t the best choice for me. And maybe the things I wanted for myself were only my ego’s need to be filled.

I struggled for years fighting my own mental state . I wanted to bypass doing the inner work and like magic have the perfect life. I would see psychics, healers, and spiritual teachers who said I needed to work through all my inner demons. What a bunch of idiots, I thought to myself. I was miserable. My life felt like Ground Hogs Day. Little did I know that my spirit was patiently nudging me to stop resisting.

The more I visualized a different life with god-universe-spirit-my higher self the more I was giving momentum to my unfolding path. When I look back at myself I have to smile. I spent so much time kicking and screaming. Although now I have enough wisdom to realize there was a bigger plan in store for me and it far surpassed my own limited-finite, ideas..

Today I am helping people who are having the exact same conflict in their lives that I did back then. When I work with them, I suggest that all they need to do is surrender. They nod their head and tell me, “Yes, yes, you’re right. I will surrender,” but as soon as they get back into their lives they forget.

The personality struggles to stay in control but until we are able to surrender to our souls purpose we will continue remain out of alignment. I often think, “why is it so difficult to get this”?

People I know the struggle is real. It took me several years to finally get this.

While things may not be exactly like I wanted when I was younger, (thank god) I am in such awe, because the life I have today is the life I was meant to live. And as far as I am concerned there is nothing better than that!

“The wisdom, grace, and humor(!) Shari brings to her work is of a divine essence. By that, I mean when she speaks – it’s direct, it’s elevated, and it cuts right through all the noise.

It isn’t a blast of good vibes, or cheap flattery – the kind of ego hooks and powerlessness many profit off of. Working with Shari is learning a way of living – with presence, discernment, gratitude, and joy. It’s remembering one’s own eternal and inviolable spirit, in the face of a world becoming increasingly deceptive, fearful, and ego-driven. There’s no greater gift.”
– Georgia Kirtland

Reversing the Aging Process


Last December a very close friend of mine died of cancer right after his 31st birthday. To watch his rapid decline was a sobering experience to say the least. The few conversations I had with him while he was in the hospital were simple, yet profound. He had always been the type of guy who loved to be close to nature. He loved surfing, hiking and spent much of his time taking beautiful photographs outdoors. In my last conversation with him, he said, “All I want to do is come home and watch the sunset.”

It was strange how I never grieved after he passed. It was almost like his spirit was telling me not be sad and go out to enjoy that sunset he missed. Not long after that, I went for a long walk and I left my phone behind so I wouldn’t be disturbed. While walking in silence, I heard a clear voice say, ‘live your life.’ I remember my teacher, Papa Joe, used to say that all the time to me.

As I reflected on my current mindset, I could see how I had been letting the overall negativity in the world get in. I knew I was capable of much, much more. I started to ask myself questions, how can I show up for my life more joyfully? As soon as I asked the question I could feel my heart opening. In order to find joy I would need to honor my life force. That’s when I made a choice to commit, by becoming the best version of myself that I could be!

I followed up by making an appointment with an acupuncturist. I listened to lectures on health and spiritual wellness. I watched countless videos by The Medical Medium, by Dr Eric Berg, By Subah Jain, Eckhart Tolle and many more. I was well aware of much of this information already, but the difference came from integrating it into my life. As I started to implement this new life style I started seeing radical results. I felt so much lighter and happier. I lost weight. My skin began to glow. Wrinkles smoothed out. My eyes were brighter. My energy level was through the roof. I slept well. My hormones leveled out. A fibroid I had shrunk completely.

I started to pay close attention to what was giving me energy or what was depleting it, and I would like to share some of that with you:

1.) Change your mindset. Old beliefs are like little monsters that keep you stuck in negative patterns.

2.) Finding a purpose is one of the greatest gifts in life. A purpose will align you with higher frequency.

3.) Although many resentments may feel justified, we need to get rid of them. Holding negative thoughts inside about people, places, or things will only create a vortex that will drain your vital energy. Often when clients get off my healing table they look like they they’ve just come back from a two-month holiday in the Caribbean because they’ve let their resentments go.

4.) I have always been mindful about my diet, but often used foods for comfort. Recently, I changed my diet from mainly proteins to eating plenty of vegetables. I start every morning with a vegetable and fruit smoothie. I don’t eat processed food. I removed all sugar, dairy, breads, eggs and pork. I look for foods that will alkaline my body and kill off any cancer cells and disease. Weight loss has not only become easier for me, its incredibly fun. While it may seem challenging at first, eventually your palette will change. You will actually crave food that is filled with more life force.

5.) Sleep is vital for cell regeneration, so if you’re not sleeping well it needs to be addressed. Do you have stressors that are disrupting your sleep? Have you had your hormones checked for any imbalances? Are you eating the right foods?

6.) Exercise helps renew cells while bringing oxygen to your blood. It is important to increase your heart rate in order to clear stagnation in your body. While doing exercise remember to listen to the body and not overdue it. Also hydrate and drink plenty of water.

7.) Sunlight is one of the best medicines for your body and the best times to absorb the sun is early in the morning or just before sunset. Taking in this natural source of light restores and gives the cells the vitality it needs.

8.) Being in nature helps to not only boost your cells, but increases collagen in the skin. Breathe in the air when you’re in nature because within it lies the fountain of youth

9.) Meditation. In such a hectic world it is critical that we find time for silence. Calming your mind through breathing and quiet frees you from the grips of a busy mind. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual beliefs are, only that you bring your awareness into the now.

10.) Stop doing so much. Do you really need to burn your candle at both ends? Slow down and smell the roses. How many times I hear people say “ I’m too busy”. For your life, health, well being. You see maybe we don’t have to do this only when we are sick and then fighting to live. Maybe we can do this because life is precious and we deserve to be the best.

11.) Gratitude is extremely important because it lifts the vibration in our bodies. As it was told to me by my teacher. Every morning and each night say, THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE.

I’m sure many of you are well aware of these things already, but hopefully this will serve as a friendly reminder so you can see the years of built up toxicity melting away from your entire being.


“There are many trends to health and healing, and many people claim they can help you . I’ve been led down some pretty dark paths. But no matter how much time or money I had spent on a health issue’s before working with Shari, I never saw much change or result. Maybe one new thing, like a diet change or new supplement. Only to find the symptom to disappear for a moment, but it always came back. I couldn’t keep up! The endless chase of the newest research or test left me drained, and sometimes worse off than before. So when I came to Shari I was riddled with health problems. I thought Shari would just be another one of “those people” (even though the story of how I came to know of Shari is epic unto itself). I was wrong. SHARI IS THE REAL DEAL.”    

~Nicole Mcbride~

Let Go

With the new age philosophy it can often be about how to attain happiness or manifest something outside of yourself. I have found that only by deep listening can I cultivate my true inner voice. The soul’s voice.

As I stared at the sand moving through my fingers I saw the connection of letting go of all space and time. It is only there that one can enter into their own sacred dominion.

Surrendering deep into that sacred space in-between thoughts is where you find the answers.

So dive deep and enter the portal within and you will find it is truly coming back home.

Strange Days Indeed

“All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now with yourself.”~ Eckart Tolle

A good friend of mine contacted me asking, “Is the energy on the planet really weird right now?”I paused for a moment before answering her. “The energy is weird all the time these days,” I replied.

It seems I’m being asked questions like this more and more these days. It’s pretty obvious to me that we are living through some incredibly strange times.There is definitely something going on.

Thinking back when I was a teenager I became intrigued with the prophecies written in the Book of Revelations. As I read the unfolding events, beginning with war, famine, earthquakes, floods, disease and all kinds of erratic behavior I felt a fire and an urgency coming from somewhere deep inside of me. The prophecies somehow resonated and it felt like my soul was remembering something but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Although I didn’t know how at the time, I knew that the days predicted in Revelations would somehow be my future. And as I look around at what’s going on in the world today I believe I was more on point than I could have ever imagined.

As we move towards an uncertain future I feel it’s imperative that we find a way to come back to our center. I don’t mean next month or when you go on a vacation or sometime in the future, I mean right now.

I can still hear the words of my teacher, Papa Joe, when he told me, “It is time for these destructive energies that have been creating havoc and controlling us for ages to leave the planet but they don’t want to go and will use every trick in the book to stay in control.”

Hearing this years ago hasn’t made my life any easier but what I was taught was that when I get quiet and find that place of neutrality in me, I can feel a sense of ease and comfort. I realize there is no person or place out there that can give me the security or peace of mind that I can only find from deep within. When I am connected to my power and stay present, through conscious breath, I have a much better chance at maintaining balance and equilibrium in my life.

We always need to be careful of who, what and where your mind engages and have discernment in who you let into your energy field. Pay attention to your body and if you feel uneasy, listen to that. This is not a time to go back to sleep.

“Some people think Shari’s work is magic. It’s not magic, actually. She literally goes in and cleans out energies that are getting in the way of one’s true path. Working with her has helped me become more grounded and true to myself.” ~ Joanne Kim

The Importance of Being Grounded

Grounded: Mentally and emotionally stable: admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious. remains grounded despite praise or attention


Recently I was working with a client, who asked, “How I can I protect myself from negative energies?”

This is one of the most common questions people ask me. I replied like I normally do, “Ground yourself.” She responded with, “Well, How do I do that?” At that point I realized I was being vague and needed to be more specific.
So I looked up the meaning of ‘grounded’ in the Webster’s Dictionary.

With all my years of training the dictionary didn’t seem to do the word justice.
As I’ve learned from my personal experience until you can practice being grounded , it’s just a word.

Looking back at a healing with my teacher, Papa Joe, I remember several people swarmed around him after he had done an exorcism on a woman. Everyone was silent with a humble energetic awe. To witness something so profound changes you forever. So naturally, we were curious to what just took place and started asking Papa Joe questions.

“What was that?” Someone asked. “How did that woman get that energy on her?” “Can that happen to us?” “Is there any way we can protect ourselves from these negative energies?”

He was silent. Then Papa Joe took a long deep breath. “Staying grounded is your best protection.” He further elaborated with, “Stay present in your bodies so negative energies are less likely to enter.”

This rang true for me. I had spent most of my younger years out of my body. I was raised with zero self esteem. Fear ruled my life and I was not grounded at all. I had to learn how to come into my body.

So with my work today I help people address their trauma so they can come back to their bodies and release stored fear.

These are the essentials for grounding:
Spending time in nature
Conscious breathing
Exercise daily
Healthy boundaries with others
Body work
Daily meditation
Mindful living
“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina

*For more info contact =

Spiritual Warrior II

shari warrior w violet.JPG

“There is always a spiritual test before being able to attain the next stage of power. Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. When Divine manifestations take place, they have also to pass through great difficulties and sufferings as a result of oppositions of dark and anti-divine [occult] forces which have had a hold upon earth since the creation. Those dark powers always oppose the new Lights because they do not want to give up their grip on the earth and sometimes their hostility even takes the form of war on earth, but in spite of all obstructions the Divine Will succeeds at last.”

~ from “Words of The Mother – Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother”

A blogger by the name of
Bernhard Guenthe posted this a few months ago. He posts very powerful teachings. Right now they make more sense to me then anything else out there.
“Amazing” I thought, because I was talking about this to someone. We were discussing the spiritual tests that come with the path of a spiritual warrior…the day to day issues that force our attention to be distracted. This might make us question and lose confidence in ourselves, creating a cloudy and fearful perspective on things. You must be quiet and keep some of those doubts close to your chest in anticipation that change is coming. I found this isn’t easy, no matter how much work you have done on yourself, or how powerful you are.

Then to have these forces prey upon our insecurities. How do we see past this darkness? How do we rise above our own humanity to see our path?
Making your spiritual life a priority and listening to that quiet inner voice has to be a priority.

Shut off your phone. Go for a quiet walk in nature and listen……
Go if possible by yourself and not with that “chatty friend” and breath….
If you’re not close to nature… Sit quietly and breathe. Listen to your breath and ask for your highest self to show you the way…
There are positive forces that align when we honestly ask for clarity and help.

Not all souls are here to be a light worker. So this can make you doubt yourself when you talk and compare yourself to others. You may find your perceptions different from others.
Now there is the true test of the Spiritual Warrior. Listening and eventually trusting our own legacy.



The Highest Form of Self Care


Many years ago I felt lost, ungrounded, and full of fear. I went to my teacher Papa Joe and asked him for help. He sat me down with a big grin on his face and said “the wind is trying to speak to you”. I was a bit surprised by his response. I tried but couldn’t hear the wind talking to me. He repeated himself, “the wind has a message for you”. Frustrated, I still couldn’t hear a thing. He said “stop trying and just do it”. I took a long deep breath and got myself as present as I possibly could. I started to sense the leaves on the trees and the rustling sound they made. Not thinking about the wind but feeling it and becoming one with it all around me. Then suddenly, as if a doorway opened, I began to hear but the voice was deep within myself. It was so simple.

“Quieting yourself is the problem and silence is the solution,” Papa said, beaming with pride for my discovery.

This experience changed my life forever. From then on I practiced what I had learned from my wise teacher.

I equated this listening with being the highest form of self care. When we are silent we can detach from all the cords that keep us in disharmony. So we can connect to the truth inside us instead of looking outside for answers and validation.

What could be better then being at home with ourselves?

“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina