
Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 3.26.21 PMwatch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_HUMvbkHQ

“Magic, Miracle, Blessing, Grace”

It has been a year since I wrote my last blog. Recently a client asked if he could create  a video for me in exchange for a session. He asked what I would like to talk about. I did not have a clue what I wanted to say. During the filming he and his girlfriend asked several questions about what I do and my responses surprised me. I had received so much wisdom from my teacher, and I wanted to share this knowledge with my next blog post.

I couldn’t help but think of a time years back when I was a mere pup and was on my extreme spiritual quest. I was lucky to cross paths and work with many powerful teachers, shamans, kahunas and profound healers. However, I was naive and did not understand the spiritual world. I certainly did not know who I was, and hence constantly being attacked by entities and feeling extremely out of sorts. I would think, “Why is this happening to me?” I asked these shamans and healers, but none would give me a straight answer. I became very isolated to the point of feeling suicidal. I had this strange deathly feeling coming from inside of me. Now I need to let you know that I was sick for weeks to the point of feeling I was actually going to die. One day I woke up and realized I had to clear this immediately. I sat like a thunder bolt and stated my intention/prayer to whatever guide or angel would listen. I shouted out, “Please help clear this energy from me now!” I sat with such a force and began to breathe as if were my last breath. Then it was if a hand reached into me and pulled the dark gremlin out of me. As it was leaving my body, it felt miles long. My mind somehow knew that this was energy clearing out from me. What I could not quite grasp was it felt very familiar. When I mentioned it to my teacher, Papa Joe, he pointed out that I was beginning to remember. This was what I had done for lifetimes, which began my new journey as a healer.

Since then several people have asked me, “Can you teach me the healing work that you do?” The answer is I can help awaken what is already inside you.

It has come to my awareness that many like myself are searching for answers. They are looking for purpose and meaning in their lives. Nothing can bring you to yourself but your own quest for spiritual truth and a deep desire to break free.

The Highest Form of Self Care


Many years ago I felt lost, ungrounded, and full of fear. I went to my teacher Papa Joe and asked him for help. He sat me down with a big grin on his face and said “the wind is trying to speak to you”. I was a bit surprised by his response. I tried but couldn’t hear the wind talking to me. He repeated himself, “the wind has a message for you”. Frustrated, I still couldn’t hear a thing. He said “stop trying and just do it”. I took a long deep breath and got myself as present as I possibly could. I started to sense the leaves on the trees and the rustling sound they made. Not thinking about the wind but feeling it and becoming one with it all around me. Then suddenly, as if a doorway opened, I began to hear but the voice was deep within myself. It was so simple.

“Quieting yourself is the problem and silence is the solution,” Papa said, beaming with pride for my discovery.

This experience changed my life forever. From then on I practiced what I had learned from my wise teacher.

I equated this listening with being the highest form of self care. When we are silent we can detach from all the cords that keep us in disharmony. So we can connect to the truth inside us instead of looking outside for answers and validation.

What could be better then being at home with ourselves?

“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina

Energy Clearing

Sage is used in cleansing and clearing of energy. Used by the Native Americans and Shamans and becoming more popular by the general public. The smoke is meant to call up to the spirits in prayer and purify the energy of intention.


Which brings me to my topic this week “Energy Clearing”.

This is the majority of my work. When a client comes to see me I clear their energy. They are completely transformed and feel better than when they first arrived at my front door. After the session they generally ask “How do I clear my energy and keep myself protected in the future?”

There are many ways to clear your energy. Having yourself cleared by a energy worker is most effective. But learning tools and adding them to your day to day life is vital for keeping yourself vibrant and healthy!

As I mentioned in my previous post, “Raising your Vibration” is a start to keeping your energy clear because it keeps you vital and strong. Diet, exercise, plenty of sleep, and a good positive attitude, are all important to your well-being.

Many years back when I was apprenticing with my teacher, I was shown how to clear my energy, as well as that of other people and environments. The first thing he mentioned about keeping yourself clear and protected was grounding. I can still hear his voice with that authoritative tone, GROUNDING. And I might add he is right. If your head is in the clouds and not here and now with two feet on the ground, you are more receptive to allowing energies onto you. When we are grounded, we are connected, we have more life force which aides in a stronger frequency. Also we are less susceptible to “dramas” which are riddled with negatives!!

Now you hear what I’m talking about? We have choice in what we allow to come to us! If we are coherent and present less “stuff” is apt to get past our radar. This is the game, staying as conscious as possible. Which means a daily practice of a spiritual connection. Meditating, journaling, walking in nature, exercise or anything that clears the mind and calms the nervous system and begins to bring us into the present moment, is important for a balanced way of life.

The expression “go jump in the ocean” is one of the most sound pieces of advice anyone could give you. In all the Maori ceremonies they use the ocean in cleansing those negative forces that attach themselves to you. Whenever I would get any negatives stuck to me the first thing my teacher would say would be “Go to the Ocean”. I cannot explain to you in words why this works but trust me, it does.

Awareness is key. First we need the awareness that we are “off” or “not ourselves”. Prayer and intention are, for me, my most common tools. When used with absolute certainty and a genuine heart we can clear most energies. I won’t go into this too much but I do ask for “helpers” to guide and protect me with clearing. It really works and I still to this day am in awe of it!

Aligning yourself to positive people and situations is very important. Asking ourselves: “Why am I here?” “What is my intention in bringing myself to this situation?”  The relationship department is the hardest one of them all and can be tricky. We have to be fully in our integrity with this. And there are plenty of blind and stubborn areas that don’t always want to move because we become attached or don’t want to take responsibility. But this is why we are here, we need to work through these dark areas. To make the choice towards the most positive result for ourselves.

Cocooning is one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself. This ancient technique was demonstrated to me by my teacher. It is a shield that you create around your auric field, to keep away unwanted energies. Since this requires some explanation, it is something I will be focusing on in my next workshop.

And now I want to talk about Neutrality – this is a state of mind, an equilibrium. Not a positive nor a negative, but a completely neutral space. Imagine the serene monk, with a clear, calm expression on his face. Not in the state of love nor the place of resistance. This is where you are untouchable. This, of course, takes years of practice.

I know there are several other things people use for protection. Stones, oils, crosses, sages, crystals, chanting, mantras and various other things. These are wonderful tools for setting your intention, but nothing is more powerful then”Knowing who we are” and standing fully in that. As it once was passed down to me the great wisdom of “I AM”!

Photo by: Richard Lee Smith Jr.

For details on my next workshop, please go to the group sessions page.

“If I could get all my friends to Shari I would in a heartbeat. As a past healer-hopper I had tried them all but all I can say is Shari is the real deal. I have had such phenomenal experiences with her, you’d hardly believe it if I told you. It’s best to go see for yourself anyway. Believe me, you’d be doing yourself a favor. She channels some serious juice that can transmute deep fears and trauma that, who knows, you may have carried for lifetimes. At least I feel she did that with me. Very grateful that she is in my life.Thank you Shari! xoxo”

– Wendy Adamson 


Cellular Memory

Hello again, any of you LA people feel that earthquake this morning? My first response was “oh no how big is this one gonna be?” I was amazed to feel how intense the impact was, I guess mother earth is pretty angry……. Changing the subject I was visiting a friend this week, when I came across this tiny bird.


It was caught by my friend’s cat Sweetie. It was shaking and in shock. I picked it up and gave it some energy and it stayed in my hand, tired and exhausted from the attack. It looked up at me with full trust, knowing everything was going to be ok. Animals and children are very receptive to healing energy.

This brings me to my topic this week of cellular memory. Just like the bird, when people first come to me for their session they are scared, lost, in pain and confused. Their mind may not recognize what is wrong, why they are up all night, unable to sleep, anxious, fearful or depressed. When people are uncomfortable, most have a tendency to busy themselves. Their minds get overly active and start to create what I call “Story”.

In order to get to the root of the problem one must be still and go into the eye of the storm. This takes focus, courage and patience, and is why people come to have a session. I help hold that intense, strong, sacred space, where the person can locate the main cause to the upset, the cellular memory. When we locate it the information is unlocked and the energy block is then recognized.

As I mentioned in my previous post the energy may be from traumas created at different time periods in one’s life, birthing imprints, or entities (negative energies).

All the client knows when they first arrive is that they are uncomfortable, but once the awareness is brought into focus the held energy or cellular memory can be transformed and healed.

I think back to the injured bird, after some time with me it gathered some strength and flew off. Humans have the same capability to release themselves from the turmoil, to feel lighter, to heal. The trauma is lifted, released, or sent back to that other lifetime. And person returns to daily life, happier, freer and with more positive energy.

Like that bird flying away. We have a “choice” to heal through grace and fly again.

“Shari is a gift.  When I met her I had been in pain for a year in my lower back. It got so bad that I couldn’t even walk. When I met Shari, I was forever changed! She found the block I was holding wrapped around my lower spine. One session and I never had back pain again.I have continued to see Shari over the past 5 years whenever I feel out of balance.  She has helped my husband, all 3 of my children and my animal friends too.  I have sent everyone I know to her as well, and she has helped each person just as she has helped me. Shari’s work is beyond explaining in a few words.  I guarantee that anyone that goes to see her will not be disappointed and instead changed forever.”
  ~ Alex Du Toit, www.trueearthmama.org