To Forgive

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you” Change is coming, and if you’re not ready, it will carry you wherever it feels because the force and the great awakening is inevitable. For … Continue reading

Journey to the Stars



I went to bed last night and felt an overwhelming sense of peace fill my body. As I lay in my bed, I started to see a pulsing flashing light. It became so strong, I was no longer able to contain it.

This had happened to me several times before. The first time, I was so scared that I called my teacher, Papa Joe, to ask him what it was.

“It’s the planets and the stars talking to you,” he said.

Needless to say, it totally freaked me out.

I connected the dots back to 20 years ago, when I started my journey with my teacher, Hohepa Delamere (Papa Joe), a Maori elder and healer from New Zealand. He wasn’t trying to show me how to heal, though, because he said I had been “healing for many lifetimes”. After years of apprenticeship with him, it was revealed to me that I was remembering.

Papa’s sole intention was to teach me how to travel through the universes. At first, I was resistant, but as I was slowly led into a more peaceful state of mind, I was able to let go. I witnessed the whole world around me, while I traveled out into different realms and universes.

It wasn’t an overnight process, and went on for several years. During that time I had little contact with others, because I could no longer relate to anyone. I was beginning to “wake up”.

As time passed, I began to see more clearly. I’m not talking about sight from my eyes, but I’m referring to the inner eye.

I continued to work as a healer so I could earn an income, while I advanced more into my own inner journeying. During this time, I had vivid dreams which I would speak to Papa about. So many questions were being answered that I had for so long. That’s about the time I witnessed that we humans are multidimensional beings.

As the wisdom of the elders was downloaded, it deepened my ability to heal. When asked to describe what I do, it’s difficult to explain – but let’s just say most of the work I do is from other realms.

For a long time now, I have been silent for fear of sounding arrogant or ridiculous. But lately, while I’m sleeping – and awake – the elders have been showing me it’s time to start speaking up. While I might be afraid of what others will think, it really doesn’t matter anymore. I am here to assist those who are waking up.

For years now, my work with people has been to help them release heavy and dark energies, so they can remember their true calling or their soul’s path. Let this blog serve as a reminder to all those who have been doing the work – to continue to connect to your inner self, so you will know how to move forward from here.

We have chosen to be here at this time, so we need to cut the cords that have been draining and dulling our senses. Look up at the stars, with your feet firmly planted on Mother Earth, and remember we are much more than we could ever imagine. As Papa once said to me, “There is a huge universe out there Shari, and it’s time you travel in it.

I think that most of us would agree, discovering our true identity is extremely critical at this time. Dont you think?

“I met Shari on a beach nearly 6 years ago and have been working with her ever since. Shari has guided me though some of the biggest shifts in my life. While many of these shifts have taken place on a spiritual level, I am always blown away by her ability to have a direct impact on the health of my physical body. Last year, when I was suffering from a chronic chest infection where conventional medicine alone did not seem to be helping; after chest x-rays, CT scans and three courses of antibiotics; it was only after a session with Shari that I finally managed to clear it from my body. No matter what happens in life, and especially during these unsettling times, I feel reassured to know that Shari always has my back.”       


Staying Centered

blog~  Create time to connect to your spirit ~

While I was having lunch with friends the other day someone asked, if I thought things were getting worse on the planet.

I paused briefly before I answered. “It’s clearly more hectic with all the inflated egos, and I think everyone is starting to feel the anger that is rising to the surface.”
Some people say that the planet is going through a cleanse. While that may be true, it’s not just any cleanse were talking about here.
Each day I grow more concerned for the animals, the oceans and all of nature. As people are piled on top of each other in over-crowded cities, the rural areas are being destroyed. And if you’re paying attention there always seems to be some drama unfolding on the news. I believe the ongoing media frenzy is used as a way to distract us from what’s really going on underneath. However, I stay away from posting my opinions about conspiracies and political issues because when you say something about that, you can make yourself a target for the countless trolls that are just waiting to pounce.
What I will say here, it is extremely important to stay grounded so you don’t get knocked off your beam. But how can you stay physically, mentally and spiritually well in such challenging times as these?


Usually, when someone comes to see me for counsel or a healing it is because they are out of alignment. Many times these individuals have become so distracted with everything that they want to accomplish in their lives that they have lost their spiritual connection.
In some of my other blogs, I’ve mentioned how important it is to keep our frequency high. The most important way that I stay grounded is to connect with Mother Earth. Meditation is also key and just by doing deep breathing it can allow the equilibrium to balance itself out. Remaining humble is crucial so we don’t get snagged by our egos which can take us places we don’t need to go.
When we think of spirituality we can often think of white robes, candles and hushed voices, however, it can be even more simpler than that. For me, it’s about being whole. A huge challenge these days in a world that is constantly trying to fragment and distract us.
So, in this day and age it’s even more important to be mindful and have clear intentions of what your priorities are. It’s good to be asking ourselves questions like, how can I keep my mind and body in optimum health? How can I create a lifestyle that isn’t driven by fear, greed or lack? How can I stay balanced when chaos seems to be going on all around me?
I strongly believe the answer is to connect deeply to our soul that resides within. So, if we can take a moment each day to go beyond the mind and listen to our inner voice, that is the place where our true center resides.

The Highest Form of Self Care


Many years ago I felt lost, ungrounded, and full of fear. I went to my teacher Papa Joe and asked him for help. He sat me down with a big grin on his face and said “the wind is trying to speak to you”. I was a bit surprised by his response. I tried but couldn’t hear the wind talking to me. He repeated himself, “the wind has a message for you”. Frustrated, I still couldn’t hear a thing. He said “stop trying and just do it”. I took a long deep breath and got myself as present as I possibly could. I started to sense the leaves on the trees and the rustling sound they made. Not thinking about the wind but feeling it and becoming one with it all around me. Then suddenly, as if a doorway opened, I began to hear but the voice was deep within myself. It was so simple.

“Quieting yourself is the problem and silence is the solution,” Papa said, beaming with pride for my discovery.

This experience changed my life forever. From then on I practiced what I had learned from my wise teacher.

I equated this listening with being the highest form of self care. When we are silent we can detach from all the cords that keep us in disharmony. So we can connect to the truth inside us instead of looking outside for answers and validation.

What could be better then being at home with ourselves?

“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina