Strange Days Indeed

“All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now with yourself.”~ Eckart Tolle

A good friend of mine contacted me asking, “Is the energy on the planet really weird right now?”I paused for a moment before answering her. “The energy is weird all the time these days,” I replied.

It seems I’m being asked questions like this more and more these days. It’s pretty obvious to me that we are living through some incredibly strange times.There is definitely something going on.

Thinking back when I was a teenager I became intrigued with the prophecies written in the Book of Revelations. As I read the unfolding events, beginning with war, famine, earthquakes, floods, disease and all kinds of erratic behavior I felt a fire and an urgency coming from somewhere deep inside of me. The prophecies somehow resonated and it felt like my soul was remembering something but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Although I didn’t know how at the time, I knew that the days predicted in Revelations would somehow be my future. And as I look around at what’s going on in the world today I believe I was more on point than I could have ever imagined.

As we move towards an uncertain future I feel it’s imperative that we find a way to come back to our center. I don’t mean next month or when you go on a vacation or sometime in the future, I mean right now.

I can still hear the words of my teacher, Papa Joe, when he told me, “It is time for these destructive energies that have been creating havoc and controlling us for ages to leave the planet but they don’t want to go and will use every trick in the book to stay in control.”

Hearing this years ago hasn’t made my life any easier but what I was taught was that when I get quiet and find that place of neutrality in me, I can feel a sense of ease and comfort. I realize there is no person or place out there that can give me the security or peace of mind that I can only find from deep within. When I am connected to my power and stay present, through conscious breath, I have a much better chance at maintaining balance and equilibrium in my life.

We always need to be careful of who, what and where your mind engages and have discernment in who you let into your energy field. Pay attention to your body and if you feel uneasy, listen to that. This is not a time to go back to sleep.

“Some people think Shari’s work is magic. It’s not magic, actually. She literally goes in and cleans out energies that are getting in the way of one’s true path. Working with her has helped me become more grounded and true to myself.” ~ Joanne Kim

The Importance of Being Grounded

Grounded: Mentally and emotionally stable: admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious. remains grounded despite praise or attention


Recently I was working with a client, who asked, “How I can I protect myself from negative energies?”

This is one of the most common questions people ask me. I replied like I normally do, “Ground yourself.” She responded with, “Well, How do I do that?” At that point I realized I was being vague and needed to be more specific.
So I looked up the meaning of ‘grounded’ in the Webster’s Dictionary.

With all my years of training the dictionary didn’t seem to do the word justice.
As I’ve learned from my personal experience until you can practice being grounded , it’s just a word.

Looking back at a healing with my teacher, Papa Joe, I remember several people swarmed around him after he had done an exorcism on a woman. Everyone was silent with a humble energetic awe. To witness something so profound changes you forever. So naturally, we were curious to what just took place and started asking Papa Joe questions.

“What was that?” Someone asked. “How did that woman get that energy on her?” “Can that happen to us?” “Is there any way we can protect ourselves from these negative energies?”

He was silent. Then Papa Joe took a long deep breath. “Staying grounded is your best protection.” He further elaborated with, “Stay present in your bodies so negative energies are less likely to enter.”

This rang true for me. I had spent most of my younger years out of my body. I was raised with zero self esteem. Fear ruled my life and I was not grounded at all. I had to learn how to come into my body.

So with my work today I help people address their trauma so they can come back to their bodies and release stored fear.

These are the essentials for grounding:
Spending time in nature
Conscious breathing
Exercise daily
Healthy boundaries with others
Body work
Daily meditation
Mindful living
“In a world, a city, a town, where people claim to be ‘a healer’ no one is more true, more studied, more genuine and powerful than this woman. From a sprained ankle to a heartbreak to a child suffering from ADD her hands on healing and intuitive capabilities will blow you away. You walk in one person and leave another, filled with peace, clarity and a real sense of renewal” ~Dina

*For more info contact =

Slaying your dragons

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~ Jim Morrison

shamen chick

As the summer starts to fade, and we begin to move into the fall it is the perfect time to become reacquainted with ourselves. Days become shorter and we start to go inside and prepare our fireplaces with wood as reflection starts to happen quite naturally. I personally love the fall. However it does make me feel sad and melancholy sometimes but in a good way. WIth the change of weather, I was inspired to write a new blog.

I went to the store a couple of days ago to get prepared for a dinner party at my home. I could not help but to notice a woman who was extremely rude. She nearly knocked me over to get a parking space. I later saw her face to face in the market. Her eyes were in a fury and very far away. The body language was cold, angry, and saying “me first”! Not someone present at all. I looked her deep in the eyes, and immediately got goose bumps. There was something else looking at me, and I knew it was not her.

It got me thinking about, how many times have we either experienced someone like this on our path or even been there ourselves? Ever stop to wonder what is the force behind this strange kind of behavior?

When I apprenticed with my teacher over a period of seven years, I began to notice these “things” not only in others but with me as well. What I saw blew my mind. When you actually focus on these fears, angers, strange behaviors/thoughts, and obsessions is that they are alive. It’s like they have a mind or will of their own, and they do. What are they? It was brought to my attention that these “things” were entities. People over the years have asked me “where do these entities come from”? I literally could spend hours explaining, but for now will just touch briefly on the subject.

It is important to start taking inventory so we can be responsible for ourselves. Take a good look at the fears that control and block us from becoming who we could be. A lot of our imbalances, sicknesses, depression, anxieties, addictions, and making bad choices, stem from these energies. Sounds like sci-fi, right? But if you really think about it, why is it so hard to change these things in ourselves? Or why would someone be so rude to practically run you over in their car? Why would anyone choose to be unconscious?

I have mentioned before in previous blogs, how important it is to do the work, to raise our vibration. Ridding ourselves of the dragons that keep pulling us down, dragging us off our paths, and making us into sheep or zombies.

Thankfully, you can get help with a great deal of this. Healers (Shamans, Kahunas, Tuhungas) people with “Real Medicine” to assist in transforming the negative energies. It takes time, but this is a start to beginning an existence of freedom. It is possible. With the awareness as well as surrendering your ego we all can Slay our Dragons.

Shari moves energy. She is invaluable for those who are ready to embark on journeys of personal growth, take responsibility for what is (or is not) happening to them. Or for those who simply need clear energy in order to move forward. Be ready for things to shift!”  L. Anomaiprasert

For details on my next workshop please go to group sessions page

Photo by Richard Lee Smith Jr.

My teacher Papa Joe

I wanted to share with you about a man who transformed my life. His name was Hohepa Delamere, or better known as Papa Joe.
papa joe


I had moved to Los Angeles from London where I had been working as a model for seven years. I came here thinking I would become an actress, but something very different happened.

I was searching and looking to find a reason why I had this continuous fear that haunted me and I could not control it. I was doing an enormous amount of work on myself therapy, spiritual teachers/healers, new age books, seminars and retreats. Nothing was shifting this fear and pain from me.

Then I met  a woman named Angel. She always was trying to sell you something or sponsor some healer. However one time she rang me to tell me about these Maori Healers that were coming into town. She could not even finish her sentence I replied “Yes I’m in”, I never felt more certain about anything in years !!

I booked my appointment and went to the home where these healers were working. I then was put on a table where Papa Joe was sitting intently waiting. I lay down and began to tremble then cry from the deepest place in my soul. I knew something was moving in me that was so much bigger then me I began to scream and violently move around. I could hear Papa chanting louder and louder then as if I was giving birth released this energy from my body and I let out a primal scream that felt as if it had been in me for lifetimes. I looked up at all the people surrounding the table they all had this light in all of their eyes supporting this healing and that light was filling me and my much needed wounded self. I kept saying  over and over thank you, thank you. Something had happened, I knew at that moment I just had an exorcism. I knew I had waited years for this man to release this from me.

Afterwards Papa Joe sat me down and talked to me. He said this: “You had a very hard childhood and that I released a very powerful destructive entity from you”. Then he said “You are not being honest about your life.”And then I thought “What does he mean by that? Does he mean my career as an actress?” He looked me at me straight in the eyes and said “Yes and its now about your soul’s journey.” At that moment I realized he had read my mind because I NEVER SAID IT OUT LOUD!

He then said “You will now start a whole new life and  I will see you tomorrow”… I was elated I could not wait to come back and make tea and help around the healers. What I did not know is that I would then become “one of those healers”.

working w joe

When I came back the next day he called me over to a table where he was working on this guy. He said put your hand on his nose. I said “No, I’m not a healer” and to be honest I was freaked out about doing it. However he never listened to me and just looked at me knowingly. I put my hands on his nose. He said “What do you feel?” I looked at him like Huh?? He told me to stop thinking and just tell him what I felt !! Then out of my mouth it came, “a tumor”, “Yes he said, now get rid of it”. Again huh? What? “You heard me,” he said. “I will help you do it.” His fingers on one side of this man’s nose, mine on the other side. In that very moment a electrical current went to my fingers and he said “Now we will circulate the energy”. The man began to scream and cry and yell bloody murder. By the time he left the tumor was gone. He came back a few weeks later and confirmed medically the tumor in his nose was gone.

I then began a seven year apprenticeship with this man..

papa teaching matrix

If it sounds like I was skipping the road of happy destiny you’re wrong. This man’s energy was so powerful and his teachings so advanced.  I struggled, kicked, screamed, resisted, and resented this every step of the way. I was very frightened of the energy world but it was my path. Finally however I did surrender. I left my career as a actress/model and began working on people as a healer. THEY just kept showing up. I began to get very positive results with my sessions. However I had a lot to learn, because this was a real powerful Tahunga Master! Tahungas are even higher on the spiritual totem pole than shamans.

I saw him everytime he came to Topanga and the table I work on today with my clients is the table Papa used every time he was in town .

He then brought me to New Zealand where I stayed with him and his family and began to learn the true ways of the ancient healing rituals. A great deal of these rituals were entity removal. He told me this would become a huge part of my work. Entities are negative energies that attach themselves to people or things.They cause the majority of illnesses, addictions, mental or emotional imbalances. I of course witnessed throughout the years several of these entity removals.

Papa has now left the planet. If you go to the internet there are very few things you can read about him. I could not believe this. There was never a moment with this man that he wasn’t doing some miraculous healing or teaching. Somebody interviewing him about his abilities. But I do know that he changed my life. He took this scared helpless wounded girl and held the flame till I was capable of standing on my own two feet and remembered my “soul’s journey” as he would put it. I still feel this man is alive today but in another dimension. Thank you Papa Joe! May the legacy live on….

I will be doing my first workshop in April for details look on my group sessions page.

“Shari Geitzenauer and I both had the extremely good fortune to have known Hohepa dela Mere alias Papa Joe personally. Shari had been his student ever since the Maori set foot on California ground. Whenever they came from New Zealand for one of their journeys of healing and raising general consciousness, Shari was at Papa Joe’s side and has learnt everything she needed to know by personal transmission. Before the extraordinary healer, teacher and human being went to the other side of veil back in 2006, he released Shari onto her very own path. She has been on a unique journey of healing ever since, not only performing her skills on people, but also relieving the environment from negative entities. From personal experience I know her sessions to be profound and deeply transforming. By eliminating blockages, reprogramming cellular coding, clearing the energetic field from anything undesired and putting her client into touch with personal guides, one comes out on the other side of one her hour long sessions entirely transmuted. I can highly recommend her work for anyone who desires to be relieved of old patterns, dis-ease, unwanted gravity of negativity and or a raising of one’s energetic field. “

Iraeus (Iris Loesel)