Finding Your Inner Zen


                                                                                                                 photo ~ Leigha Hodnetsep bl and wh                  Eat  ~ Pray  ~ Swim                                  

Earlier this week when I got out of bed and checked my phone, there were nearly 25 messages glaring back at me. Before my morning coffee I began to scroll and read the frantic texts. So much drama of a big fire that had broken out earlier that morning. 

Wow, here we go again, I thought.

Moments later, as I sipped my coffee I stared at my computer trying to get a read on what was going on. There were so many dramatic images of the fires with the LA Times talking about 80 mile per hour hurricane winds for the next few days. All this first thing in the morning started to unnerve me. Looking up, I heard the trees rustling in such a way that I realized that one tiny ember from the fire could be quite problematic.  I live in the Santa Monica mountains and there were two fires not too far from me. 

“Damn, this is getting intense,” I said to myself. 

What a coincidence, earlier in the week, I had booked a room in desert hot springs, so  I proceeded to pack for my two day adventure. I thought, maybe it’s best to be safe and grab some stuff just in case I can’t get back in. After all, the year before when we were evacuated  we couldn’t get back into the canyon for a week.

It was stressful as I rushed around with the sheriff’s department calling on the phone to tell us to start evacuating. One group text was discussing where the fires were and which roads were open and which ones were closed. When someone said, ‘zero containment of the Getty Fire’ my nerves were completely on edge. 

Just about then my mind flickered back to a conversation I had with a friend over a year ago, that lost her home due to a fire.  I remembered asking if she grabbed all her personal documents when she was being evacuated. “No,” she said. “But why not?” I asked. “I didn’t think my house was going to burn down,” she said, in a solemn tone.

Moments later I was packing my car with valuables documents, clothes but the most important possession of them all, was my precious dog, Violet.  It’s interesting when faced with evacuation how much stuff you have that is not relevant at all.

As I drove down the canyon my stomach was in knots and I realized I was hungry, so I stopped in the local café to order some toast and juice. The mountain community where I live always rallies together in times of stress, so I talked to the locals about which road was best to take out to avoid the extreme traffic. 

Once back on the road, I drove, until finally I made it out of the canyon. I tried to relax by using my breath to move through my anxiety, but I found it almost impossible to calm my mind. The what-if this, or what if that happens consumed my thoughts all morning long. I realized it was hard to find that inner Zen when you’re swimming in a pool of stress. With so much fear in the air grounding  yourself seems light years away. And as an empath, I found it impossible to find my own center. 

While I’m driving on the freeway the only thing I had was this breathing technique, so I used all of my concentration to pull my mind back in.  With complete focus, I pulled my thoughts, feelings and emotions back to the moment. As I did this, I felt my muscles begin to relax as my mind came back to my body.  All of the sudden, a peace washed over me as this presence filled my entire being.

Then I had a realization, geez, this would actually be perfect content to write about in my blog. I mean, after all, isn’t it in these challenging times when people need support to navigate their uncertainty. 

Thankfully, I arrived at the hot springs unscathed, and immediately submerged myself in the warm waters of the pool.  As I let my body sink into this surrender, I was filled with a profound gratitude. The only real peace it seems comes when you are able to tap into the Inner Zen that lies within.


“Each session with Shari has shifted my life. Some more than others but always in some way I come out feeling weightless, recharged, and in love with the world. Suddenly I can see with total clarity the gifts and possibilities of my own life. No two sessions have ever been the same because Shari meets you where you are, and works to free you from your burdens and blocks. Best of all, if you study with her for as long as I have, she gives you the skills and insight to do this work on your own. Her healing is always with me, and I carry it as a ray of clean white light I can visit anytime deep in my spirit. She will change your life, if you’re ready to work alongside her.”         ~  Margaret  Wappler 

Everyone Needs a Reset


I’m a bit of a neat freak. I can’t help it. I must confess I am so sensitive to energy that I insist on having a clean home. That’s why it was completely out of character for me to hire Maria, a cleaning lady to come over. But I’m so glad that I did. Let me be the first to say there is nothing like having someone move furniture and get behind all those little nooks and crannies that are hard to reach. When everything was said and done and put back in its place, I can’t even begin to explain the difference in my mood. I felt so much lighter with a deep sense of contentment within. As far as I’m concerned it was money well spent.

It got me thinking, ‘Wow, this is kind of what I do when I work on someone.’ I start by moving through the layers of stuff that has settled in a person’s mind, body or spirit. Afterward the client tells me they feel amazing yet, they find it hard to explain why.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I start by moving the energy upwards through the different points in their feet. This energy moves through accumulated ‘stuff’ known as blockages that can be stored or held inside the body. It can be fear, repressed emotions, entities or negative energies that need to be cleared out.

For some reason, I am able to see these energies that many people are unaware that they have. Over time, they have become so accustomed to living with it they don’t even realize they have collected numerous energies in their daily lives.

When I think about it it’s a bit like Maria coming to my home with a new and different perspective. She may see a little dust pile that I haven’t been paying attention to or perhaps she moves things around just enough that gives me a new and refreshing point of view.

I have been doing energy healing on clients for years and as I sit here in my clean home I’m so inspired to write this story. I have come to the conclusion that everything needs to be reset so we can have a new point of view. We do it with our cars, computers or by taking vacations. So, I feel it’s important to get help from others in order to clear what we don’t see and what no longer serves us.

“Shari…. Topanga’s best kept secret”  ~  Jaclyn  AWAVEAWAKE  

My teacher Papa Joe

I wanted to share with you about a man who transformed my life. His name was Hohepa Delamere, or better known as Papa Joe.
papa joe


I had moved to Los Angeles from London where I had been working as a model for seven years. I came here thinking I would become an actress, but something very different happened.

I was searching and looking to find a reason why I had this continuous fear that haunted me and I could not control it. I was doing an enormous amount of work on myself therapy, spiritual teachers/healers, new age books, seminars and retreats. Nothing was shifting this fear and pain from me.

Then I met  a woman named Angel. She always was trying to sell you something or sponsor some healer. However one time she rang me to tell me about these Maori Healers that were coming into town. She could not even finish her sentence I replied “Yes I’m in”, I never felt more certain about anything in years !!

I booked my appointment and went to the home where these healers were working. I then was put on a table where Papa Joe was sitting intently waiting. I lay down and began to tremble then cry from the deepest place in my soul. I knew something was moving in me that was so much bigger then me I began to scream and violently move around. I could hear Papa chanting louder and louder then as if I was giving birth released this energy from my body and I let out a primal scream that felt as if it had been in me for lifetimes. I looked up at all the people surrounding the table they all had this light in all of their eyes supporting this healing and that light was filling me and my much needed wounded self. I kept saying  over and over thank you, thank you. Something had happened, I knew at that moment I just had an exorcism. I knew I had waited years for this man to release this from me.

Afterwards Papa Joe sat me down and talked to me. He said this: “You had a very hard childhood and that I released a very powerful destructive entity from you”. Then he said “You are not being honest about your life.”And then I thought “What does he mean by that? Does he mean my career as an actress?” He looked me at me straight in the eyes and said “Yes and its now about your soul’s journey.” At that moment I realized he had read my mind because I NEVER SAID IT OUT LOUD!

He then said “You will now start a whole new life and  I will see you tomorrow”… I was elated I could not wait to come back and make tea and help around the healers. What I did not know is that I would then become “one of those healers”.

working w joe

When I came back the next day he called me over to a table where he was working on this guy. He said put your hand on his nose. I said “No, I’m not a healer” and to be honest I was freaked out about doing it. However he never listened to me and just looked at me knowingly. I put my hands on his nose. He said “What do you feel?” I looked at him like Huh?? He told me to stop thinking and just tell him what I felt !! Then out of my mouth it came, “a tumor”, “Yes he said, now get rid of it”. Again huh? What? “You heard me,” he said. “I will help you do it.” His fingers on one side of this man’s nose, mine on the other side. In that very moment a electrical current went to my fingers and he said “Now we will circulate the energy”. The man began to scream and cry and yell bloody murder. By the time he left the tumor was gone. He came back a few weeks later and confirmed medically the tumor in his nose was gone.

I then began a seven year apprenticeship with this man..

papa teaching matrix

If it sounds like I was skipping the road of happy destiny you’re wrong. This man’s energy was so powerful and his teachings so advanced.  I struggled, kicked, screamed, resisted, and resented this every step of the way. I was very frightened of the energy world but it was my path. Finally however I did surrender. I left my career as a actress/model and began working on people as a healer. THEY just kept showing up. I began to get very positive results with my sessions. However I had a lot to learn, because this was a real powerful Tahunga Master! Tahungas are even higher on the spiritual totem pole than shamans.

I saw him everytime he came to Topanga and the table I work on today with my clients is the table Papa used every time he was in town .

He then brought me to New Zealand where I stayed with him and his family and began to learn the true ways of the ancient healing rituals. A great deal of these rituals were entity removal. He told me this would become a huge part of my work. Entities are negative energies that attach themselves to people or things.They cause the majority of illnesses, addictions, mental or emotional imbalances. I of course witnessed throughout the years several of these entity removals.

Papa has now left the planet. If you go to the internet there are very few things you can read about him. I could not believe this. There was never a moment with this man that he wasn’t doing some miraculous healing or teaching. Somebody interviewing him about his abilities. But I do know that he changed my life. He took this scared helpless wounded girl and held the flame till I was capable of standing on my own two feet and remembered my “soul’s journey” as he would put it. I still feel this man is alive today but in another dimension. Thank you Papa Joe! May the legacy live on….

I will be doing my first workshop in April for details look on my group sessions page.

“Shari Geitzenauer and I both had the extremely good fortune to have known Hohepa dela Mere alias Papa Joe personally. Shari had been his student ever since the Maori set foot on California ground. Whenever they came from New Zealand for one of their journeys of healing and raising general consciousness, Shari was at Papa Joe’s side and has learnt everything she needed to know by personal transmission. Before the extraordinary healer, teacher and human being went to the other side of veil back in 2006, he released Shari onto her very own path. She has been on a unique journey of healing ever since, not only performing her skills on people, but also relieving the environment from negative entities. From personal experience I know her sessions to be profound and deeply transforming. By eliminating blockages, reprogramming cellular coding, clearing the energetic field from anything undesired and putting her client into touch with personal guides, one comes out on the other side of one her hour long sessions entirely transmuted. I can highly recommend her work for anyone who desires to be relieved of old patterns, dis-ease, unwanted gravity of negativity and or a raising of one’s energetic field. “

Iraeus (Iris Loesel)