Everyone Needs a Reset


I’m a bit of a neat freak. I can’t help it. I must confess I am so sensitive to energy that I insist on having a clean home. That’s why it was completely out of character for me to hire Maria, a cleaning lady to come over. But I’m so glad that I did. Let me be the first to say there is nothing like having someone move furniture and get behind all those little nooks and crannies that are hard to reach. When everything was said and done and put back in its place, I can’t even begin to explain the difference in my mood. I felt so much lighter with a deep sense of contentment within. As far as I’m concerned it was money well spent.

It got me thinking, ‘Wow, this is kind of what I do when I work on someone.’ I start by moving through the layers of stuff that has settled in a person’s mind, body or spirit. Afterward the client tells me they feel amazing yet, they find it hard to explain why.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I start by moving the energy upwards through the different points in their feet. This energy moves through accumulated ‘stuff’ known as blockages that can be stored or held inside the body. It can be fear, repressed emotions, entities or negative energies that need to be cleared out.

For some reason, I am able to see these energies that many people are unaware that they have. Over time, they have become so accustomed to living with it they don’t even realize they have collected numerous energies in their daily lives.

When I think about it it’s a bit like Maria coming to my home with a new and different perspective. She may see a little dust pile that I haven’t been paying attention to or perhaps she moves things around just enough that gives me a new and refreshing point of view.

I have been doing energy healing on clients for years and as I sit here in my clean home I’m so inspired to write this story. I have come to the conclusion that everything needs to be reset so we can have a new point of view. We do it with our cars, computers or by taking vacations. So, I feel it’s important to get help from others in order to clear what we don’t see and what no longer serves us.

“Shari…. Topanga’s best kept secret”  ~  Jaclyn  AWAVEAWAKE