Ancestral Healing

new blogPhoto ~ Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Last night I was suddenly jolted from a deep sleep.  I was woken up by the sound of pounding hooves running through my neighborhood streets. Back and forth click clack- click clack frantically pacing. I slowly began to realize a horse was loose. The longer I listened, I could tell he was getting increasingly panicked by his loud screams. I live on the top of a mesa in the Santa Monica mountains. So sounds in the middle of night can be deafening. I tried to ignore it and go right back to sleep. But an animal in distress, ALWAYS pulls on my heart strings.

I dragged my tired, half awake, self out of bed. I put my shoes and jacket on and went outside and followed the sounds of the horse. I went towards him. How stupid, I thought. Whats the horses name? I don’t have a rope, what am I supposed to do now? I proceeded to call out and move towards the panicked horse.

As I got closer the horse galloped up to me in full force. I stood there a tad bit intimidated thinking, oh my god this horse is huge and it can crush me. How ridiculous of me to think I could help. All I could do was stand frozen in fear.

But to my surprise he came up to me inches away and bowed its head. I reached my hand up and gently petted him to give him some comfort. He stood with me under the night sky panting loudly. He calmed down a bit and without any words, I felt an exchange of energy. A calmness began to arise in my own body. In about a minute or two he ran off down the hill. Well maybe thats all this was about to calm his stress, I thought.

I walked back to my house under a dimly lit new moon sky. The fog had come in and there was a mystical dreamy visual. I was intrigued by the magical evening that lured me out at 3 A.M. In a dream like state but fully awake I looked up and saw several shooting stars. I thought how precious my life had become. My only wish in that moment was to share what I have learned. My heart was full and my mind was humbled like a child.

It wasn’t always like this I thought. There was a time when all I wanted was to stop the chronic turmoil I felt inside. It was always a mystery to me as to why I couldn’t function. How did it all change? Hah. I chuckled to myself. It was years and years of being committed to working on myself. Even prior to meeting my teacher, Papa Joe, I REALIZED healing those deep deep ancestral wounds that go beyond psychology would be my mission.
The pain I once carried would have never let me stare at a sky like this and feel at home within myself. Wow. I have come a long way. I am not the same scared girl I once was. I was thankful to the horse that lured me into the night to receive such a powerful blessing. And thankful to Papa Joe for all his teachings that excelled my journey of healing my ancestral wounds.

As you once said Papa, “There can be no real healing until we heal our ancestry.”

“About ten years ago, I came across Shari. I had tried several other practitioners. She had none of the ego and endless BS of the other healers. She was direct and her touch took me to another place. All I know is when I got off the table I was regenerated. What Shari does can not be explained, only experienced. Through Shari I have been able to grow and come into my purpose. Once you go to Shari you will not want to go to any other energy healers afterwards.”   ~ Avi

Strange Days Indeed

“All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now with yourself.”~ Eckart Tolle

A good friend of mine contacted me asking, “Is the energy on the planet really weird right now?”I paused for a moment before answering her. “The energy is weird all the time these days,” I replied.

It seems I’m being asked questions like this more and more these days. It’s pretty obvious to me that we are living through some incredibly strange times.There is definitely something going on.

Thinking back when I was a teenager I became intrigued with the prophecies written in the Book of Revelations. As I read the unfolding events, beginning with war, famine, earthquakes, floods, disease and all kinds of erratic behavior I felt a fire and an urgency coming from somewhere deep inside of me. The prophecies somehow resonated and it felt like my soul was remembering something but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Although I didn’t know how at the time, I knew that the days predicted in Revelations would somehow be my future. And as I look around at what’s going on in the world today I believe I was more on point than I could have ever imagined.

As we move towards an uncertain future I feel it’s imperative that we find a way to come back to our center. I don’t mean next month or when you go on a vacation or sometime in the future, I mean right now.

I can still hear the words of my teacher, Papa Joe, when he told me, “It is time for these destructive energies that have been creating havoc and controlling us for ages to leave the planet but they don’t want to go and will use every trick in the book to stay in control.”

Hearing this years ago hasn’t made my life any easier but what I was taught was that when I get quiet and find that place of neutrality in me, I can feel a sense of ease and comfort. I realize there is no person or place out there that can give me the security or peace of mind that I can only find from deep within. When I am connected to my power and stay present, through conscious breath, I have a much better chance at maintaining balance and equilibrium in my life.

We always need to be careful of who, what and where your mind engages and have discernment in who you let into your energy field. Pay attention to your body and if you feel uneasy, listen to that. This is not a time to go back to sleep.

“Some people think Shari’s work is magic. It’s not magic, actually. She literally goes in and cleans out energies that are getting in the way of one’s true path. Working with her has helped me become more grounded and true to myself.” ~ Joanne Kim

Spiritual Warrior II

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“There is always a spiritual test before being able to attain the next stage of power. Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. When Divine manifestations take place, they have also to pass through great difficulties and sufferings as a result of oppositions of dark and anti-divine [occult] forces which have had a hold upon earth since the creation. Those dark powers always oppose the new Lights because they do not want to give up their grip on the earth and sometimes their hostility even takes the form of war on earth, but in spite of all obstructions the Divine Will succeeds at last.”

~ from “Words of The Mother – Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother”

A blogger by the name of
Bernhard Guenthe posted this a few months ago. He posts very powerful teachings. Right now they make more sense to me then anything else out there.
“Amazing” I thought, because I was talking about this to someone. We were discussing the spiritual tests that come with the path of a spiritual warrior…the day to day issues that force our attention to be distracted. This might make us question and lose confidence in ourselves, creating a cloudy and fearful perspective on things. You must be quiet and keep some of those doubts close to your chest in anticipation that change is coming. I found this isn’t easy, no matter how much work you have done on yourself, or how powerful you are.

Then to have these forces prey upon our insecurities. How do we see past this darkness? How do we rise above our own humanity to see our path?
Making your spiritual life a priority and listening to that quiet inner voice has to be a priority.

Shut off your phone. Go for a quiet walk in nature and listen……
Go if possible by yourself and not with that “chatty friend” and breath….
If you’re not close to nature… Sit quietly and breathe. Listen to your breath and ask for your highest self to show you the way…
There are positive forces that align when we honestly ask for clarity and help.

Not all souls are here to be a light worker. So this can make you doubt yourself when you talk and compare yourself to others. You may find your perceptions different from others.
Now there is the true test of the Spiritual Warrior. Listening and eventually trusting our own legacy.